Friday, November 1, 2024

 I am Happy to Welcome in November!

October was good to us, but I am Thankful for the month of November.  

What do I love about November?? 🦃

I see November as more than just a prelude to winter.  This is a month that invites us all to pause, reflect and give thanks for our many Blessings.  

It is a month that reminds us to slow down and think about all of the goodness in our lives.  I love seeing communities come together, helping the less fortunate, by passing out meal boxes for Thanksgiving.  

I love that November's landscape is perfect for the gathering of families....Not only enjoying meals together, but having those beautiful, FALL, family photos made.  

Sweaters, blankets, cups of hot chocolate, cozy moments, are just some of the sweet things about this 11th month of the year that make me feel so good inside. 

Togetherness, gratitude, and celebrations, these are the things that gives November its own playful personality.  It doesn't get any better than this! 

Happy First Day of November Friends...

Shug.... from our Halloween evening. 


  1. Happy November to you, as well, my friend.

  2. Even though it's my birthday month, it's never been a favorite month for me. I have to give up on summer for real. All the flower beds are bare and brown, and I know winter really is just around the corner. A final seal of our sitting outside season happened yesterday. Hubby put away out table umbrella on the deck.....It's official, lol. What I do like about November is our daughter will be home to visit over Thanksgiving, that makes the month for us. Enjoy the month!

    1. Happy Birthday Month...I know what you mean...We covered the pool and have begun putting all of the pool furniture away. Kinda sad. I hope your visit with your daughter will be so good.

  3. I am happy to see November because it heralds cool front and the hope that Christmas, we might be able to turn on the heat in the morning and to look forward to the end of Nov because that is the end of hurricane season, there are 3 more down there, 2 where the other 2 came from

    1. Hoping those Hurricanes go away from the US. Glad November is here...

  4. I thought about you all this morning, who have spent the last few months in the path of these hurricanes. I'm thinking that November is when the threat of hurricanes begin to go away. Sure hoping these other ones will chart different paths away from the US

  5. November in Minnesota is usually a dreary, cold month a prelude to witer. Any days with sunshine and above freezing are appreciated!

    1. Ooooo I know you all get real cold. I am hoping so much for snow this year, but I think we are going to have a warmer than normal Winter.

  6. I can't wait till your tomorrow post!!! That is when I am posting mine as well. I see you changed the bats to beautiful falling leaves! Love your grace, mercy, and blessings quote on the sidebar.

    1. Thank you Ginny. I'll be waiting to see your pictures of Halloween

  7. I am ready for November. I like getting blankets out and hunkering down! Fire in the fireplace... yippee!

    1. Yes! a great word for blankets and fireplaces. I only wish that we would get snow. It is rare around here.

  8. The weather has turned cold here too. Time for some coziness. ❤️

    1. Love some coziness. Our next week is supposed to be a lot cooler...

  9. I love the Thankful month too. The bedspread is back on the bed and our heater goes on once in a while.
    The gum tree is showing off now with the brilliant red leaves but the one in front hasn't turned yet...its suppose to rain during the midnight hours.
    Just FYI we had 22 come knocking on our door last night. Cute little munchkins but so few compared to other years.
    The best thing was meeting a new family that just moved in around the corner. 2 sweet little girls and very friendly mom and dad. I hope we can see each other soon.

    1. I actually turned on my electric blanket two nights this past week. 22 trick r treaters is pretty good. Up until a few years ago, I would have 75 to 100. Things have changed with the churches hosting trunk r treat. I also had some new people in town stop by last night. They were very nice

  10. So many people make Thanksgiving an afterthought and jumping straight into Christmas. I'm glad you don't

    1. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving ...All of our family will be together..first time in at least 8 years. (our oldest grandson is military Space Force) and they have not been able to be here. Christmas will come later as it should.

  11. Happy November. Sometimes it feels like people are in too much of a hurry to go from Halloween right into Christmas and they totally overlook all that November has to offer.

    1. You know...I used to be overly excited about putting up our Christmas Tree and would do so before Thanksgiving. I just want to totally enjoy Thanksgiving these days. My tree will not go up until after we have Turkey on TDay.

  12. Shug you and I think so much the same and on the same day. I was talking to my brother today and I swear we talked about November and why I love it so much.

    1. know they say, "Great minds think alike". I am honored to have a like mind with you my friend.

  13. Welcome November! I really appreciate your thoughts on it. It often does seem forgotten between Halloween and Christmas.

    1. Hi Mari. Congratulations again on your retirement...I am trying to do better about letting Thanksgiving be my focus during the month of November.

  14. I'm so glad it's getting cooler!

    1. The rain has helped drop our temps. I think we have a couple of days in the 60's next week, then back up to the upper 70's

  15. Wonderfully expressed! It's still mid-80's here, but that doesn't lessen my enthusiasm for what's my favorite month of the year. (I think my comment (yesterday) went to spam.)

  16. I will check spam... Our temps have really been fluctuating ....80's one day and then the temp drops. One day last week, we were almost reaching record high temps.

  17. I enjoyed your cozy November post, Shug. November is always a soft and pleasant month for me. All the things you described, the warm sweaters, the hot chocolate, and the thankfulness all belong to this month.

    Happy November Shug!



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