Saturday, November 2, 2024

November Saturday



Here in Texas, November is normally the month that showers us with a LOT of brown dead tree leaves.  The leaves fell a tad bit early this year due to the wind and rain that we received on Wednesday night.  Many of the leaves that were clinging to the branches of the trees, fell and blanketed our yard.  

Needless to say, My yard was looking pretty bad.  Wet, brown leaves kinda makes for a big mess.  Thankfully, yesterday afternoon our yard guy came and cleaned up the sea of brown.


Our Trick R' Treat evening was a big success. Not so much in the number of little goblins dropping by,  but a success in making more family memories.  

 My menu was a mixture of good foods.  

Taco Soup and scoop chips

Hot dogs with mustard, ketchup cheese and relish.

and....for the kiddos....My all famous Mac & Cheese.  

Southern Sweet tea and water

Assortment of cookies. 

We had about 15.....yes a total of 15 Trick R' Treaters.  Seems that with all of the local churches doing Trunk R' Treats on Sunday night, not many little goblins were out on Halloween night.  

We had our strobe lights flashing outside and we had our chairs all arranged in a half moon circle.  It really was a great evening sitting out in the cool brisk night air......visiting and reminiscing about Halloweens past.  

The kids had a great time as you can see below.....↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

        A baby pumpkin, a girly witch, 

                and an alien kidnapper 


A hotdog. aka Mylee Jo
and her Mom...
the hotdog was trying to keep  mom warm!!


     A little "Corn" angel, Trista and her grand-babies, Me as a hotdog, a pea in a pod. and Mylee-Trista-Shanda-and ME....closing up for the evening.  

November is here and there are a lot of good things happening this month.  Happy Weekend friends.

shug  ๐Ÿงก



  1. Happy November! Your menu sounds so good and it looks like everyone had a great time!
    We had 2 trick or treaters, which is more than we usually get!

    1. My crew was a little short this year..I normally have a house full of grandkids, but some of them are now working out of town and couldn't be here.

  2. You have such a beautiful family, Shug. I can see that everyone had such a fun time dressing up and spending time together. Blessings!

    1. Hey Martha Jane...Your comments always lift my spirits...I appreciate them

  3. How delightful Shug!
    I love everything about this post and the smiles and giggles on everyone's faces.
    Your feast sounds perfect.
    We had rain over night and everything looks so sparkly and clean this morning. Not too many leaves fell either, so maybe we will get some color after all.

  4. You have the best family there and you have so much fun with each other. I just love reading about it. Your meal was great. 15 Trick and treaters - we had just a few. I think like you the churches have something for the kids now.

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween.

  6. You all look so joyful, you must have been having a lot of fun. Pumpkin and witch are adorable!! We had about 15, as well! and you are right, lots of Trunk-Or-Treats around here too.

  7. What a good time! I love that everyone participated in 'transforming' themselves. Just the mention of your food is making my mouth water!

  8. I'm so glad you could celebrate with your family!

  9. Sounds like a fun night for halloween and I can tell by the pictures everyone had a great time.

  10. Such a great night! So glad that it was, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

  11. I don't mind leaves so much, but I hate wet leaves! Such a hassle to try and rake up. My days of taking leaves are many years ago now, I have not raked since we moved from Wisconsin in 2012

    1. Not fun at all....and pecan leaves are the hardest because they break up and the stem is hard to rake up

  12. looks like everyone was happy and full of joy and a little candy too. bob mulches our leaves by mowing them. we don't get that many since Florida trees stay green year round

    1. I prefer evergreen trees...Maybe I need to move to Florida. The big Oak trees and pecan trees have so many leaves.


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