Thursday, October 31, 2024


October 31......2024

Happy Trick R' Treat Day!!

I will be cooking today for our annual "Family" Halloween dinner.  Sam and I live in an area where there is a heavy flow of trick R' Treaters on Halloween.  My kiddos love coming over and handing out candy to all of the little spooks.  

This calls for a Family meal as we wait to hear the door bell ring and hear those tiny voices calling out "Trick R' Treat."

Tonights menu is:
Taco Soup with all the fixings.
Hot dogs with Chili

There have been years when the weather was SO cold on Halloween night.  We didn't let that stop us though..... We would bring the fire pit around to the front yard, light it up, and enjoy the evening as we sat outside, waiting for the kids to come by. 

I think this evening is going to be a very WARM one!  No fire pit tonight!  lol

Halloween is, without question, a night of joyful chaos.  Undoubtably, there are costume malfunctions, and a few whose Mask keeps falling and covering up their little eyes.   And then comes the merry mix of Sugar Overload.
We have seen all of these things!! 

I remember all the years with our two daughters.  The big thrill for them wanting to go surprise their grandparents.  

This was Mylee Jo....(about 9 years ago)  
I think it was the last time she got to Trick R' Treat her great grandparents.       (Sam"s Parents)

Yep....... Halloween might be messy, maybe a little chaotic, and definitely a huge sugar Rollercoaster, but for our family, it is the perfect evening with a big mix of spooky, lots of silliness, and lots of memory making.  

Be Safe, Have fun, and Enjoy your Trick R' Treaters.  




  1. a great way to be with family and sounds like fun.. enjoy your evening and hope you get lots of ghouls and goblins. my friend that die last year, always put their truck at the end of the driveway and sat on the tailgate giving out candy. she loved to do that

  2. Hands down, some type of soup seems to be the most popular Halloween dinner entree.

  3. Have a great evening! I’m afraid we haven’t had trick or treaters around here for years. The community here has trick or treating downtown the Friday before Halloween.

  4. What a fun way to celebrate! I LOVE the firepit idea and hope to do that sometime!
    You, my dear, are BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out!

  5. We'll be waiting for Sami and Sloane to visit!
    Have fun...

  6. What a great tradition y'all have! I still hope to have a firepit sometime. Maybe, like the folks at Nike say, I should "Just DO it!"
    Have tons of fun tonight!

    1. I love this...made me laugh at the nike saying... Yes, you should just do it. We enjoy the firepit.

  7. It is very warm here too. Sounds like you will have such a fun evening. Well, any and every occasion, you always make the very most of it, Shug!! The fire pit in colder weather sounds so awesome, I bet all the kids went nuts over it! I hope you come back with photos!!

  8. That sounds like a fun night. There have been Halloweens here where the kids were trick or treating in the snow. I'm a grump, I haven't passed out candy in years.

  9. Sweet memories. And I do mean sweet! 😄🍭

  10. Wow - you are so ready for Halloween! Sounds like you are going to have a great time - with lots of kids and family. Wonderful. Pics tomorrow!

  11. Happy Halloween! Hope you have a fun gathering!

  12. Sounds like you'll have fun!
    It's quiet here, no trick or treaters out in the country!
    And, it's so windy here today!

  13. That last photo is priceless, Shug. Hope y'all had a great Halloween!

  14. We aren't in town, and don't have kids anymore.


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