Monday, November 4, 2024

All about Sunday


How about one more Squirrel/coffee picture?

I think I have made a huge mistake!!

A couple of weeks ago, I purchased a can of French vanilla foam creamer for coffee. 
What was I thinking? 
I have never, ever, used any kind of sugar or creamer in my coffee...  I like it black and very hot.  

Moving forward, I have now gone through (2) TWO cans of the creamer.   It is so good but I know it is adding calories.  Will I be able to go back to just Black coffee?

Weekend Happenings!

Saturday morning we went to Mylee's first Basketball game of the year.  I love Basketball season and what makes it even better, is having a granddaughter on the team.


We kept our newest grandson (William) for a couple of hours on Sat. evening. 

Sam snapped this picture (without me knowing) while I was rocking and singing a lullaby to our sleepy baby.  
My grandmother LOVE for my grandchildren is as boundless as the Ocean.
Meaning.....My love for them is vast, like the sea, with no end in sight.  

I went to bed early on Saturday night....around 8:30.  By 9:00, I think I was snoring.  

Sunday morning was not such a great morning for Sam.  He was not feeling good at all.  
We are still trying to get his sugar levels under control. He did start a night-time dose of insulin, but I guess it takes time to start working.  He has been taking the night insulin for a week now. 


Sam and I chose "FD's" for our dinner meal.  This is a restaurant near the Nursing home where Sam's dad is.  After eating, we made a quick stop at "Bath and Body."  They had their 3 wick candles on sale for $10.95.  I purchased 2 of the candles and 5 of the wall plug-ins. 

We then stopped by the Nursing home, and Sam's dad was anxiously waiting for us.  I think I have mentioned before that Sam's dad is in a Memory Care facility.  One thing that he is aware of is TIME, and since we were not there at 4:00, he was worried that something had happened to us.  Two lady residents were helping him watch for us and they actually saw us first as we entered the dining area.  They were excited to let "Poppie" know that we were there.  We had a good visit with him, and he was in a very talkative mood.  We laughed, because he told us that those two lady residents "really" like him.  

 As we were walking out to the car to go home, this is what we saw......
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The "Trump Train" came through our small town Sunday afternoon....

It was fun watching the parade of cars coming through town...waving American Flags, Trump Flags and honking their horns!!!


It's a NEW Monday, a NEW Week, and a NEW Blank Canvas...
Paint a beautiful, colorful week!




  1. I am sure I would do the same thing with that cold creamer. I gave up sugar Jan 26, 2017, and have had none since then. I have an addiction to anything with sugar, and was at 230 pounds, I have been at target weight since 2018. about the menu, it looks really interesting, but there is nothing on it that I could eat. maybe the pita. all of those ingredients are on my NO list for IBS symptoms and would result in instant pains.
    I have a short list of things I can eat. I am wondering how they all taste though and would have tried it all before 3 years ago

    1. Sugar is horrible for us and so addictive. this is why I can't believe that I bought it to begin with. I have lost about 35 lbs since last year and I certainly do not want to gain it back. I'm going to have to do better.

  2. It sounds like his Dad is content there, and has made some friends. How wonderful! The sky is gorgeous! And the pic of you and William is wonderful. A precious moment capturing such love and tenderness!

    1. We are Blessed that Sam's dad is very content and never even mentions going home. I love the picture that Sam took...Hope baby William will love it someday.

  3. Oh I can see that precious grandmotherly love as you hold your grandson. No wonder Sam took a photo. It really captures your complete expression.
    I enjoy my coffee black and strong! And HOT. Since I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, that creamer wouldn’t tempt me but it would my husband! We don’t have a lot of sweets in our house.
    That sky is gorgeous. Your visits with Poppie - reminds me of our visits with Pops - my father-in-law when he was at the Veterans home. We used to really enjoy them but 2020 changed all of that. Visits were only through the window outside or through FaceTime. No hugs, no kisses - no touch. He started getting depressed. Had a stroke in Nov. and then in December took a turn for the worse and finally at his death bed, we got to touch him before he passed. I still wrestle with all of that. He was 94. We miss him terribly. Cherish those visits, as I know you do. I used to volunteer there and that was fun and he sure enjoyed it as well.
    The Trump train made me smile. You don’t see that here!
    God bless and enjoy this day, Shug.

    1. Hi Debby...It is very hard to put our loved ones in a home, but sometimes this is what is best for their sakes. Sam's dad has been very easy with us having to make the changes for him. I can not imagine how difficult it was to have loved ones in a home during covid. I know this was depressing for everyone. The Trump Train was neat to see....lots of excitement was in the air.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about Sam having such a bad Sunday. I hope that things will soon kick in with taking the nighttime insulin dose.

    Loved the picture of you with William. So precious.

    Have a wonderful week, Shug.

    1. Thank you Dianna...He has had some health issues this past 5 or 6 months...Hoping we can get it all figured out. Hope your week is a good one too

  5. I am still off sugar - hopefully for life - but I think it would be hard to get off that - it looks so good. What was wrong with Sam when he woke up? I am so sorry.
    Gosh I can identify with you on the love for grands - there is no way to measure the love you have for them.
    Happy you still go to visit your FIL and that he remembers and worries about you.

    1. I am so proud of you for dropping all sugar from your diet. I need to do better! The last couple of months, I have kinda relaxed on keeping sugar away from my diet. Not sure what was wrong with Sam...he has had a couple of spells where if he moves his neck a certain way, everything just kinda goes dark and he is dizzy...Surely with the MRI's he has had this past week, the doctor will be able to figure out what is going on.

  6. That coffee foam creamer looks really good. I thought of my dad when you talked about your coffee - he liked his hot and black too. With me, I have just a bit of cream. I love that picture of you and the precious little one. They grow so fast, so hug tightly. I'm glad you had a visit with Sam's dad. He must have loved that. How funny what he said about the lady residents. And what a lovely sunset you saw when driving home.

    Have a beautiful November week, Shug.


    1. this last can I bought is caramel..I need to go back to just black coffee...Sam's dad is good some days and other days he lives in the older days.

  7. What a joyful image Sam captured of you embracing sweet William! (Candids are best, aren't they?) I remember when my mother would sit at the window of her assisted living residence, fretting that we weren't coming. Just twists your heartstrings.
    I'm a straight-up (dark) black coffee lover myself .... but easily tempted. Please keep us apprised on Sam's sugar levels!

    1. reply to you is just below...not sure what I did

  8. Some days my FIL is alert, other days he is way back in time and talks about imaginary things. I've always been a black coffee drinker..the foam cream just sounded so good and it begged me to buy it. lol.... Sam's sugar has been all over the place lately. Endocrinologist can not see him until April...

  9. I so love that photo of you and the grandbaby that Sam took, Shug. Grandchildren are the best, and they certainly cannot be loved enough by their grandparents. I miss mine every day. Everyone get on the Trump Train! Blessings!

  10. Another heart-warming post. I hope you have a wonderful week. ❤️

  11. Thank you Shug...I do hope I can "paint" a beautiful week too.
    Love that photo of you and your grandson. Precious and its definitely a wall hanger.
    Hope your Hubby gets his blood sugar thing settled and he can be back to good health. I love flavored coffee but have never heard of the foaming creamer. I will look for it..or maybe I shouldn't. Its sounds addicting and oh so yummy.

  12. I switched over to black coffee about a decade ago and have never looked back.

  13. I love that shot of you and William....reminds of when our one and only granddaughter was a baby. I miss those days.

  14. I love my coffee but can't drink it black. I've never tried that creamer but I do buy the international delights brand.
    Sweet picture of you and the grandbaby. Such a lovely story about Sams dad waiting for you.


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