Sunday, November 3, 2024

Coffee Ready


Good morning friends...

I hope that as you wake up this morning, you will embrace the time change.  May you find much peace and of course....hundreds of things to smile about today.  

"May the name of God be praised forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to him.  He changes the times and seasons; he removes kings and establishes kings. 
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have  
He reveals the deep and hidden things;
He knows what is in th darkness, and Light dwells with him..  I offer thanks and praise to you, God of my ancestors, because you have given me wisdom and power."

Daniel 2:  20-23 

sending hugs to you all.



  1. Had my coffee at 3 am, the time change will take me about 2 weeks to adjust.

  2. It takes me a while for my body clock to change too. I am really not fond of it getting dark so early..

  3. Shug, I just was reading Daniel yesterday! GMTA! I’m coffeed up, showered, dressed and we’ll soon be leaving for church. Enjoy this beautiful day.

  4. Thank you Debby...hope your Sunday is great.

  5. I thought I would enjoy feeling like I slept in this morn...instead I was awake every little bit. It is not as if there was anything different I had to get up and do.

  6. Well, I came right over when I saw "coffee ready." I am such a coffee lover. What a wonderful verse this is that you shared today, Shug. Yes, the time change....I'll have to get used to that. I love pictures of the squirrels, they just scare me a bit haha. But this one is delightful.


  7. I love my coffee and I love squirrels, Shug, so your post made me smile today! No, I don't like the time change in the least. My body tells me when I need to get up, and that was NOT great for me. Yes, I didn't just want coffee, I needed it! Blessings!

  8. I love my coffee in the morning. Wishing you a beautiful rest of this Sunday.

  9. What a perfect verse for today especially! Squirrels always act like they have had ten cups of coffee, don't you think?

  10. Love that Hugs and Coffee from Sandi...that works for me too. I was so looking forward to sleeping until the alarm went off for church. Of course I was awake at the old time, bounced around for a while and finally gave up and got up!! So much for a few extra winks of sleep. Cute photo of the squirrel too.
    The verse is so poignant in these turbulent times. I just have to give it all to the Lord.

  11. I did not feel the time change this morning since I got extra time to sleep in. I will feel it when it gets dark much earlier tonight.

  12. morning coffee was quite early this morning than usual....
    Have a wonderful weekend

  13. Team Coffee here! Messy or not, that squirrel is adorable. I'm going to miss them when our trees go away.
    Thank you for blessing us with this verse.

  14. i hope you had a great day. I don't mind the time change, but I realize I'm the minority about that.

  15. I need at least two weeks to adjust to the time change....maybe longer for sure I will be over it by April:) God is in charge. it will be a hard week for many in America.

  16. I got up at my normal time and enjoyed the extra brightness this morning. The extra early dark, not so much, but I will eventually get used to it.

  17. I have to get up really early on Sunday mornings for work so the extra hour to sleep was welcomed.

  18. I love your squirrel. Cute. I had my coffee, and I am trying to adjust to the time change. This one is easier. What happened to the government not letting it change anymore.
    Thank you for the bible verse. Praying.


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...