Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Today is a day when we all have the privilege of exercising our rights to vote.  I feel that for those of us who live with strong spiritual beliefs, election day holds and additional layer of significance.  This is a day which allows us the opportunity to TRUST in God's ultimate plan, regardless of the results.  

Our Faith teaches us that God is sovereign over all creation, including the unfolding of events in this election.  God's plans often exceed our own human understanding.  

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails.  

I am choosing to Trust God's steady hand in all aspects of life not only for today and for the outcome of this election, but for each and every day of my life.    

Thought I would give y'all something to get excited about today.....

Hoping this Election day will bring each of you much Hope for a Beautiful Future.  





  1. Oh, my goodness Shug, I have been praying so hard it all turns out - and whatever does turn out is God's will for sure. That joke is priceless - it will be GREAT not to have more ads!

    1. Praying here as well...Sam has had to give me a few reminders that God in Control. I get beside myself on things and I need to stop it..

  2. Amen, Shug, and amen again! God is in control always. Blessings!

    1. Yes Martha...Amen...God is in control of this election.

  3. I really appreciated your special words on this post, Shug. It's so true, this is God's world, and He is looking out for it. That is the funniest quote. I DO NOT LIKE commercials! Have a sweet day.


    1. thank you Sheri.. When I saw the meme, I laughed and had to share it.

  4. I needed this (message), Shug! And yes, I giggled aloud at your meme. Why they have to be so nasty to one another I'll never understand.

  5. I do not understand the ugliness either. Not what we need in trying to vote in a new President. What happened to this Country being God centered. Saddens me that our government has turned away.

  6. Hilarious! I can only hope that the winner is one that God puts in. And of course, nothing happens that God does not allow. But on the other hand, we can never understand His mysterious ways.

    1. Absolutely Ginny....We need men and women of God in our Government system..

  7. I'm with you Shug, I can't understand all the ugliness of the election. The "enemy" is having a field day. II Chronicles 7 :14
    I posted the same MeMe for today. I can hardly take those commercials.
    Thanks for the reminder that God knows more than us and it is all in His hands. Sometimes the bad and undesirable situations are the only way "WE" will turn back to God.

    1. Wasn't that an adorable meme? I have always like Annie and that song...Happy Wednesday..

  8. Shug, I loved hearing your story on how you got your ears pierced. I didn't realize you had yours pierced very much the same way as I had mine. It's fun to hear all the stories, and I appreciate them so much. Thank you for sharing that.

    1. I still can't believe that my mom and dad allowed me to get them pierced... My mother never had pierced ears. I wish I could wear the beautiful dangle earrings, but my ears are just too sensitive... I'll stick with the 14 k gold small hoops I have now.

  9. Love the meme about the commercials. I will be so happy to not have to see another one.

    1. Me too Ann.... Thank goodness, when I'm on my computer, I don't have to have to see ads...

  10. We don't watch regular live shows, so we have not seen any commercials. But we do get junk mail in my mailbox, and if you don't get out there to pick it up, it fills up to where your other mail doesn't fit. That's ridiculous.
    It's going to be a long evening.

    1. Hi Debby....the junk mail is crazy....Every time I go to the mailbox, I just think...how much money could have gone to help others in this Country rather than to have the junk mail end up in the trash..

  11. well said, Shug. I am on the hate commercials train with everyone else. although there are a few that have dogs and cats that I enjoy.. I despise political ads and politics

    1. ME TOO!! It might be time for me to switch over from main TV to Roku or something like that.

  12. Thank God the phone calls and ads will soon stop. My ringer is off! 🤣

  13. We don't have TV so don't have to worry about commercials. I'm sure my blogging friends are on both sides and that's no reason not to love them/to buy into the ugliness. I voted weeks ago so have been focusing on other things. Love and kindness always. That's the most important thing we can do. ❤️

    1. I often wish that we did not have a TV. I am not a big TV watcher....I do watch some, but I mostly just try to tune in out. You are so right...Love and kindness is so very important...have a wonderful day.

  14. Very well written, Shug. Thank you! And I love the end picture!

    1. Thank you Dianna....The picture at the end was a must post when I saw it.. I've always loved Annie..


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