Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Wed. news

 Just Kidding!!!  But...My neighbor across the street put her Christmas Tree up Yesterday!!

Nope..... not me!!  I am enjoying this Fall season way too much and I want to have a few more weeks of seeing ORANGE!

Speaking of the color ORANGE, 
I went to Dillards a few days ago and I found this cute top and some cream colored pants.
They both fit me very well an the combination looked great together.  I didn't even look at the price of each item until I had tried them on.  

Or you ready for this?  The price on the top was $158.00 and the pants were $129.00. 
for one outfit!  Way out of my range in cost.



This little picture caught my eye because I am very particular about my drinks.  
If it is a Hot drink, then I want mine to be 

🔥 HOT 🔥

If it is Southern Sweet Tea, then I want EXTRA ICE and the tea to be COLD.


Nothing Luke Warm for me. 


We have much needed rain (supposedly) coming tonight and I am sooo excited.  We need rain so bad.  I can hear our grass screaming when we step on it right now.  


I took my brother to the doctor this morning to have the drainage tubes taken out of his abdomen.   Yesterday, he started having a significant amount of pain coming from one particular spot.  
The doctor looked at it this morning and he said that (J) had a build up of fluid in that area.  
Come to find wasn't was more like infection and blood.  The doctor drained it and has now started him on an antibiotic.  
(J) said he feels much better and I know why.
There was a huge amount of the gooey yuck that came out.  
(Sorry...this sounds so gory)
Thankful that he already had an appointment today.  

Well....this is all I have today!

Coming up tomorrow......My Trick R' Treat meal and more!




  1. Cute outfit but that would be way out of my price range as well.
    Glad your brother got things taken care of at the doctors and is feeling better.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes for my brother. Oh yes...My youngest daughter mostly shops resale shops and many of her outfits are adorable...she could buy herself an entire wardrobe with the money the outfit I liked would cost.

  2. People need to remember that THANKSGIVING comes after Halloween and before Christmas!

    1. I agree Kathy.. In my humble opinion, Thanksgiving really gets pushed to the side and way too much emphasis is put on Halloween.. I do enjoy Halloween, but would love to see more from the commercial side of things in celebrating Thanksgiving. My family always has a big gathering at Thanksgiving..

  3. Replies
    1. LOL...I walked over to my neighbors house today to see her tree..Yep..lights are going and she is decorating it. I normally put my tree up after Thanksgiving but I certainly do enjoy looking out my window and being able to see her tree with the lights on it already lit up...

  4. I agree with Kathy G. Don't forget Thanksgiving! I'm so glad your brother had that doctor's appointment.

    1. I agree with Kathy too. I love Thanksgiving and I remember growing up, my family always enjoyed and celebrated a huge Thanksgiving each year.

  5. Oh my, I would have had to pass up on the blouse and pants too. Too much out of my budget. Oh, that picture of Goldilocks warmed my heart, cause like you, I have to have cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot. It puzzles me when people sip on their coffee all day, cause if mine's not hot, I have to make myself another cup. I'm sorry to hear this about your brother, but I'm glad he got the right treatment and care. You are such a good sister to help him through that. I chuckled at the first quote, cause I saw Christmas decorations while shopping today, and little by little I will be buying some haha.

    Wishing you wonderful November days ahead, Shug. Enjoy your rain!


    1. I could purchase several outfits at TJ MAXX for that amount of money. I'm just so surprised at the cost of clothing at some of the bigs stores now days. My kiddos laugh at me cause I always ask for EXTRA ice with my drinks. Just makes it taste better.

  6. Cute outfit! I love orange, too, but would have recoiled at that price tag. It doesn't happen often, but some of my nicest articles of clothing have come from closets in Montgomery's "silk stocking" district. (aka, estate sales).
    I'm so glad your brother's infection was discovered quickly!

    1. I never really wore very much Orange until our youngest granddaughter (Mylee) changed schools to a private school. The colors are Orange and Navy Blue. I now have several Orange pieces and have really enjoyed wearing this color. Estate sales are can find some wonderful nice things there.

  7. That outfit was beautiful - but too pricey for my pocketbook. I want to put up my tree - but not quite yet. I am sorry about your brother, but I am so glad he had a doctor appt. today.

    1. Yes, beautiful outfit, but way too expensive. I can't believe the cost of some clothes this day and time. Dillards has really started carrying some high dollar brands. It's almost November!!

  8. I'm afraid that outfit would be way out of my price too. And I do agree with you that hot drink should be hot and cold drinks should be cold! I did enjoy reading your post today. Have a great week.
    P.S. you're a good sister to be taking care of your brother like that.

  9. Body by Lindt! Too funny.
    Yes, that outfit is way out of my price range too.
    Glad you took your brother in, now he should start feeling better.

  10. Wow...that was one pricey outfit. But I am glad you enjoyed trying it on.
    I'm so glad that your brother had the appointment with his doctor today. He must feel so much better now.

  11. Oh gosh, it is so good that he had this appointment and you took him! I hope this stops his pain now. I love that top, what a disappointment about the price! No tree for us yet, it's not even thanksgiving yet!

  12. What I say about clothes at that can still spill mustard on them and that's what does it for me! I will take my chances on $19.99 and if I spill the mustard, I can afford a new one. As far as Christmas trees...not until after Thanksgiving. To me, Christmas should be savored and given its rightful spot. Too soon and it gets old by the time Christmas is really here.

  13. I am happy to hear they found the infection and the treatment is already making him feel better. I love the font you used on this post. and I just yesterday stood looking at the nook and fighting the desire to put out the little tree. there are no fall or orange or Halloween decorations here. its not fall its 87 degrees last night and my yard is depressing, thus the tree thoughts. Christmas is the only decor I do and only a little of that. I nearly passed out from shock at the cost of the outfit. wow


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