Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Blogging is good

 I just want you all to know that I love Blogging.  It is a place where I find PEACE and connection.  

I consider my blog to be a creative outlet that allows me to express myself, reflect on life, and connect with like-minded people.  

 Writing has been my outlet for the past 14 years....my place where I can be creative with my words as well as my expressions.  I mean.....in the everyday world, I can't just strike up a conversation with someone, say at the grocery store and start telling them how much I love FALL or how I love to put pumpkin creamer in my coffee.  Nor, can I pull out my phone and begin showing them pictures of a house I saw yesterday with huge shoes coming out of the door.  

I might get away with saying "Hey, let me share this new recipe with you."   LOL. 

I think Blogging allows me the opportunity to shape my thoughts into words.  Thoughts that would otherwise be swirling in my mind.  

For me, when I read each of your post, I find comfort as your words resonate some of the same experiences or interest that I have.  Most of you know my family, you know that I'm a Christian and I walk in Faith.  You know my hobbies and the things that are important to me.  I too, have come to know your families.   I know the things you love to collect and the things that are important to you.  I really do care!!  

I know that some of us blog everyday and some maybe once a week.  No matter how often or how little you blog, I am still interested in the ideas you have, your Hobbies and talents, and what is happening in your life. 

One thing that is very important to me is that we are all here for each other.  Lifting one another up in prayer, sharing the word of God.  

One of my blogging friends (BETSY) and I have been friends for all of the 14 years I have been blogging.  Although we live in different states, Sam and I were able to meet Betsy and her husband.   We shared a nice lunch and had some great fellowship.   If either of us (Betsy Or myself) has a need, we contact each other and we PRAY!  I love her!  We have prayed together about the loss of loved ones, health issues, and all kinds of needs.  

Blogging Is GOOD!



  1. Good morning, Shug! I enjoyed reading your reasons for blogging and have to say that we blog for many of the same reasons. It's a blessing to meet other like-minded Christians.

  2. I love to blog too - and for the same reasons - my friends live here. Some closer than people I know in the flesh. And yes for the most part - a Christian community.
    I really do think your blog is positive - honest - informative and I love it.

  3. I'm right there with you Shug. Your reasons are my reasons too. I love to show my world through photos but some writings too. Blog Friends are so precious to me. Many I have known for years and some are new friends. Two friends became in the flesh friends too. We have met, gone places together and had them in our home. They are Gold !!
    I am Blessed.

  4. I have been blogging since 2009 and still have about 10 that I have known that long, we are friends, real friends and do the same thing, there are 4 that I am as close to as if we lived next door. I to like to put my thoughts into words and I do have conversations with strangers in offices and in stores. not as much as I used to.. I blog for much the reasons you do..

  5. PS forgot to say I love that orange shirt in the post down below this one

  6. You are SO right, and I never thought of it this way! Are you referring to Betsy & George in Tennessee? We have met them, too! I love your brain surgeon quote! I think blogging should have the goal of lifting everyone up, and trying to somehow help and make them feel better! I am SO glad we are blogging friends! I love your flying bat on the sidebar!

  7. This is so true. Blogging is wonderful. I have been blogging since 2008 and I don't know that anyone I met in the beginning is still with me but there are many that have been for quite a while. So many people I have never met face to face but have come to know so well..

  8. If this isn't the best testimony for blogging, I don't know what is! I love the friendships that develop naturally ... no effort required. (Unlike certain requisite corporate 'mixers' - ugh!) I'll never forget the first blogger I met 'in person' -- Buttercup Counts her Blessings from NYC! Since then, I've met up with others and was delighted to learn they're just as genuine as their printed word. Blessed!
    I'm so glad you and I happened to connect!

  9. I tell people at the grocery store things. They tell me things too. 🙂 I see myself as an introvert, but somehow I find myself chatting. If you saw me at the grocery store I think something would compel you to tell me you like pumpkins. Ha ha. I find out so much about people.

  10. You are so right! I've met people from all over the world through blogging and they've blessed me. I've been able to meet several blog friends in person. Next week we are actually driving to S Carolina to attend the wedding of a blogging friends daughter!
    And now I've met you too - and am blessed to know you!

  11. What a thoughtful and heartwarming post, Shug. Your words were so special on here today. I also love blogging, and have only met one blog friend since I started. She lived in my old town, and she owned a vintage shop, and I used to go in there from time to time. Also, there are a couple blog friends who live down the road in the next town over, but we haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. Keep blogging, Shug, and spreading your joy and creative ideas. You have so many talents. : )


  12. I started blogging just to document my daily life, never realizing it would turn into a community.

  13. Amen to that! Thanks for this well written description, and for blogging and our blogging community. ❤️

  14. Yes yes and yes to all you said. I feel exactly the same way. I appreciate your blog and always know it will be an enjoyable read that will put a smile on my face.

  15. I've met a couple of blog friends. Two don't blog anymore, but it was grand!

  16. Shug, this is such a great post :) I love the friends I have here! I started my first blog back in 2008 and still have some of those same friends. We have watched each other's kids grow, marry and have children. It's a precious thing to have friends across the country and know they know a little bit about your life.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........