Monday, September 30, 2024

Sunday News on Monday

What I did on Sunday afternoon...  

I'm working on perfecting making cupcakes.  I decided to bake some Lemon Blueberry cupcakes, as I had a large container of Blueberries in the refrigerator.  Cupcakes came out perfect. Yay!

I decided to try a new recipe for cream cheese icing, which was a flop! I decided to put the cupcakes in a sealed container and start over again tomorrow.  Anyone have a Good, Easy frosting for decorating cupcakes or cakes?? 

I'm looking for an Easy, but stable butter cream recipe. 

I ate one of the cupcakes (without icing) and it was delicious.  

I also made a pot of Potato Soup.  Sure was good!  Just needed some cornbread, but I had too much going on in the kitchen.  It was Potato Soup and crackers.

Next ......Sunday afternoon Drive

Sam and I took a Sunday afternoon drive.  We drove the back roads over to a new housing addition, where my brother is the building contractor on a custom built home.  Beautiful area and a beautiful home.  It sure was nice riding down the old country road.  I remember when there were very few homes on this road, and seems like there is one every half mile or so.  I guess it's not so much of a Country Road any longer.  

Next:   Football

We watched the Kansas City Chiefs play the Los Angeles Colts.  

              My team............⬆️   

Next:  a visit out to see the grand-dogs.

This is our grand-dog "JAKE."  He is a chocolate lab and is probably about 8 years old.  He LOVES to play in the water and will stay in this trough for hours.   

The black tail in this picture belongs to my grand-dog "Remi."

Well....this was my addition of the Sunday News (on Monday)


* As a side note....I always try to leave a reply to the comments you make on my post.  Sometimes I need to answer a question that was asked, and this is the only way I know to do so.  Hope you all will go back and read the replies I leave.  





  1. Hi Shug, Your cupcake sounds delicious without any icing, I usually use a buttercream icing on mine, i.e. butter, confectionary sugar a little milk, vanilla extract sometimes I add cocoa for chocolate icing.
    I love soup any kind and any time.
    I also enjoy those country rides, your weekend sounds perfect.

    1. Thank you Sue. I was honestly surprised...I think these were the best lemon blueberry cupcakes I have ever made. If you get time, could you send me the amounts of each ingredient that you use. Happy Fall day.

  2. I noticed most cream cheese icing recipes call for butter, I have always had trouble with this. So I tried using just cream cheese, always turns out nice. I beat cream cheese, then beat in alternating powdered sugar and either whipping cream or half and half, gradually adding each at high speed with vanilla. I found the cream makes a nicer texture with the cream cheese, and I just add powdered sugar to taste.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Sunday News on Monday

What I did on Sunday afternoon...    I'm working on perfecting making cupcakes.  I decided to bake some Lemon Blueberry cupcakes, as I h...