Sunday, September 29, 2024

Good Morning Friends.  I am so thankful for the cooler morning temperatures.  It felt great to sit outside this morning and enjoy a nice cup of coffee....

Sam and I did not make it to Church this morning.  We will watch our church sermon on our phones today.  
Our (baby) youngest Grandson has taken a job about 6 hours away, and he left around 8:45 this morning.  We wanted to be home to make sure he got off OK, and to get a big hug from him.

Although Trey is now 21, he is still our baby grandson!
We call him our gentle giant.  He has always worked for Sam, so this will be his first job away from the Nursery Business.   I am praying that all goes well for him.  

Life can be difficult when you are young and the path before you is unclear.  This is when we must wait for God's guidance.  It doesn't matter if you are in your twenties or if you are in your seventies, grappling with decisions for your future, your life, can be very frustrating.  

Walking an unclear path can be challenging and, at times, an overwhelming experience.  

Even at my age....I am currently seeking God's guidance for my future.   Way too many times, I have jumped into an adventure only to realize that I took the wrong path and not the path that God had planned for me.  
Why?  Because I wasn't listening to God.  I was desperately trying to clear an obstructed path for what I thought was going to be my happiness.  

  Trusting God and HIS timing is the key to walking the path that God has prepared for us.  
At the age of 71, doesn't mean that God says NO to things you want to do.  Age is nothing to God.  Take a look at Sarah.....her age did not keep God from Blessing Sarah, as HE had promised.  

For now....I'll keep seeking God for Wisdom, guidance and provision for my life.  

Happy Sunday

"Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life."



  1. You are so right about young people finding their path in life! I know so many cannot wait to graduate from high school, only to find so many decisions and the prospect of going out in the world without the safety of their family home. What is his job? Wow, I just love what you did with your header. The fall path is gorgeous, and you put a matching wreath around it, and matching fall background!! I don't know how you do all of this, but it is just perfect.

    1. Ginny...Trey will be working for an oil company. I have another grandson who is working for this same company. Not working on the rigs. In sales.

  2. I'm glad you are feeling Fall a little now, Shug. You look so young for your age, and have so much energy! I have been asking God for guidance as well. Your words on trusting God and His timing are perfect to hear, my friend.

    Happy October Shug!


    1. Thank you for your compliment. I turned 71 in August...even though I feel much younger. My daughters are great at including me in all that they do..I have to stay young to keep up with them.

  3. Im still waiting for Fall to arrive...its going to be in the 100s again this week. Oh to feel a cool breeze again.
    Finding the right path is so difficult...I kept thinking I was on it.. but then would be led astray. Its only in the last ten years I have felt I am heading in the right direction...but maybe thats because I put all my Faith in the Lord.. and Im content....
    Have a blessed.... and cool week
    Phoebe x

    1. Those 100 degree days are sure hard to deal with. Thankfully, we have broken those numbers this year. Faith in the Lord is what we all must have. Enjoy your Sunday evening.

  4. It's so important that we put our trust in God. He knows what's best for us. If we sit back and allow him to - he will direct our steps on the right path. Praying everything goes well for your grandson and his new job. Thank you for the kind comment on my blog!

    1. Thank you for your prayers for Trey. I enjoyed your post...

  5. We all need to ask God for His guidance before making any major decisions, no matter how old we get, Shug. We're feeling cooler weather here, too, finally. Blessings to your grandson in his new job, too! Have a wonderful week!

    1. You are exactly right Martha. Pray and pray more. Glad you all are getting the cooler weather.

  6. "Because I wasn't listening to God." Yep ... how your words resonate! Oh sure, I believed -- but probably wanted to serve Him in an advisory capacity. I'm so thankful He was patient, waiting for me to discover the right path.
    Prayers lifted for your not-so baby grandson, Trey. That's exciting stuff!

  7. I L O V E that quote. It is true - we need to give life and a day a chance. Hey, I am 71 also. And I have a 23-year-old grandson baby grandson too - love him to death. It would be VERY hard to have him move six hours away. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  8. Hi Shug~ I'm so happy that you are having cooler temperatures, what a blessing for you! I loved the message in your post today. I have made many decisions in my life where I didn't discuss it with, God first. Some of those things turned out okay, but some didn't, and I always learned a good lesson from those adventures. We all need to talk to, God, especially in this world where we have so many choices and so many voices telling us what we should do... Only God knows the way forward. Good luck to, Trey! I hope he does well at his new job, he's had a wonderful teacher in his grandpa. Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

  9. Wise words there! I have taken my own path and discovered I should've listened for God's voice instead of my own.

  10. temperature in our areas is comfortable as well.....
    Have a wonderful autumn


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