Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Fall thoughts

 Fall thoughts....

Pumpkins are everywhere right now.  I just got home from the Grocery store, and the entire front entry of the store is filled with Pumpkins of all sizes, all shapes, and all different colors.  

I love being a Dreamer.   

I can just imagine how I would decorate a large, weathered wooden wagon full of Pumpkins! I would have the wagon sitting in my front yard, and I might possibly have twinkle lights wrapped around the wheels.  Inside the wagon, I would have several big, bright orange pumpkins of various sizes all piled up. Some leaning on their side, and the ones with stems would be sitting up right....showing off the character of their sturdy headpiece. I would have some pumpkins with smooth surfaces, along with some of the Beautiful knucklehead pumpkins. I love the look of the Knucklehead pumpkins.
Bright Orange, Green, White Pumpkins would fill my wagon.

I most likely would spread a few colored leaves throughout the wagon, and place pots of the bright yellow mums around or near the old wagon wheels.  
Most definitely, I would have some hay hanging over the edges of the wooden walls.  

This WAGON would scream FALL.

I need to go out shopping for an old wagon don't I?  

Who likes the old Scarecrows?

I think they are cute, which is why I would most likely add a couple to my FALL wagon decor.  

It's not likely that I will find an old wooden wagon this Fall, but hopefully soon.  I am already dreaming of how I would decorate it after Thanksgiving!!!!!  Lots of lighted Christmas Trees! 🎄🎄

Speaking of Christmas Trees...

I just had a phone call that made me happier than a pup with its first Flea!! 
Seriously....My Son-in-law works out of state like in (California) and he just called to tell me he is coming home this weekend!!  YAY!

Why I'm excited..........  

Because for the past few years, I have had to pay someone to come out and put up our Christmas lights!! The lights were custom made to fit our house, which makes it difficult for just anyone to put them up. 

My SIL told me last year that I had better not pay anyone this year....that he would put them up for FREE!  I like that word FREE! 

He did make me promise that I would not turn them on until after Thanksgiving!!  

Now...back to Fall.

I can feel everyone's excitement about the arrival of Fall....I am enjoying all of the your post about sweaters, pumpkin spice drinks, cooler temps, and posting pictures of your FALL decor.   🍂 

I love your Excitement!!







  1. I learned something here! I did not know this kind of pumpkin is called Knucklehead! Your wagon idea sounds gorgeous! I would like to wheel this entire thing into my front yard, then add a few of your ideas to it! I love the lights around the wheels idea!! Great news on your lights, I hope you show them as soon as he puts them up!

  2. I love that there are so many different types of pumpkins and gourds in the stores than there used to be.

  3. I bet your wagon would be drop dead gorgeous! I know it would. And how blessed you are that your SIL is coming home and will help you! Can't wait to see photos.

  4. I love that your SIL us coming to help you with the lights, Shug. That's wonderful! Your photos of pumpkins and all the bright colors of fall are so cheerful. I am so looking forward to the cooler temps, for sure. Blessings!

  5. I love everything about this post, my friend! I love your love of pumpkins, as share that with you! I am enjoying seeing all the fall as well. What an amazing SIL you have!!! I cannot wait to see the lights! After Thanksgiving, of course. : )

  6. Pumpkins are so colorful and versatile as food and decorations. Especially those knucklehead pumpkins, similar to Democratic VP candidate Walz saying that he is a knucklehead on the debate stage, apparently he has something in common with those pumpkins.

  7. Oh, that wagon filled with Fall spilling out of it is a dream display. I hope you can make it come true.
    Yay on your SIL coming home to you. How fun and the added bonus of getting the lights up for free is wonderful.
    Knucklehead pumpkins are my favorite too. I didn't know the name of them.
    Have a great day.

  8. I like the way you dream, Shug! In fact, I'd love to replicate a smaller version -- provided the heat will take a break and I might squirrel-proof it. Oh bother! On the other hand, I'll be content looking at what you put together. Yes, I love scarecrows.

  9. The Fall wagon you describes sounds wonderful. I used to love the scarecrows, but don't have any any more and gave them all to Nel - she loves them. So glad your son-in-law is coming in for a visit, Shug. I didn't know those were called knucklehead pumpkins, learned something today. I love how you dream big, Shug. And you had me on your title, Fall Thoughts. It's the most wonderful season, isn't it?


  10. How wonderful you will have your lights hung AND a visit with your SIL!!!
    Happy FALL, Y'all!!


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