Sunday, September 1, 2024

2024 September

 It is here!   It being September!

"Ah, September!  You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul."  Peggy Toney Horton

Here we are in yet, another transition month that straddles the warmth of summer, and the crisp onset of Autumn.  I love how September carries with it a profound sense of renewal and blessings.

Many things to look forward to in this month.  

I look back at the memories I had of September when I was so young.  

As I've talked about many times...I loved that school did not begin until after Labor Day.  This was absolutely the best thing ever!  

I remember one school year...I think I was entering the 6th grade.  My favorite cousin (Molly) and I were the same age and we were like "two peas in a pod"...we were so excited to be moving into the other end of the school building.  The area where the BIG kids went to classes.  

Two of the classrooms were for the 6th grade classes and the other end was for Junior High kids.  

Our moms took us shopping together, and lo and behold....we found what we thought were going to be the shoes of the year!  We both loved them!  They were beige in color and had a strap which went across the top part of our feet.  They also had about a 2 inch, square heel on them.  Gosh...what on earth were we thinking??  

Somehow..we talked our way into being able to get those shoes. (I am sure my mom was totally against this purchase)

It took us only wearing those shoes for ONE day to school, before we  realized that we needed to go back to those ol' Penny loafers.  The beige shoes became our Church shoes and I'm guessing that our moms knew this is what would happen!!!!

I hope you all enjoy this day and hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day.  




  1. I hope September is full of joy and hope for you.

  2. Cute story. I'm glad you were able to repurpose the shoes easily.

  3. First, I LOVE this story! I am wondering if most of us have a school shoe story. I,also, got some shoes for school. They were very thin and would actually fold up. I put them on one morning for school. It was raining and my Mom must have known that they were so cheap that they would likely fall apart if they got wet. She forbid me to wear them. I stook up to her. It did not end well for me, and in front of two friends as well! She chased me up the stairs. I ADORE your header!!!

  4. You know - she probably knew - but you had to learn the lesson. And you still remember it!

  5. What a sweet story. I remember some of the school shoes I had. The year that the Beige and Brown Suede Oxford Saddle Shoes were the style. Every girl in the 6th grade had them! The next year it was white go-go boots!

  6. I remember that. We had school shoes and play shoes. 🙂 Now it seems like everyone has way more shoes!

  7. thanks for stopping by my blog today. I am of the generation that wore saddle oxfords, in grade and jr high, then in highschool the old penny loafers and we did put pennies in them. I graduated in 1963, I think you maybe 8 or 10 years younger than I am. I remember the shoes you are talking about with those big fat heels, kind of like mary janes with a fat heal

  8. Loved hearing about your school memories, Shug. Your shoes sound like a fun purchase, for awhile at least. I do remember the chunky shoes all of us girls wore back then. How fun you were able to move to the other end of the building where the big kids were with your cousin, Molly. And those back to school shopping days are the best, aren't they? Thank you for the "September Wishes" verse, and I hope you have many pleasant September days, Shug.


  9. Happy September sweet lady. I hope our weather changes soon! I'm so ready for some cooler temps to go camping! Hugs, Diane


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