Monday, September 2, 2024

 I cannot stress enough how important it is to do silly, frivolous things that serve no other purpose than making YOU happy!

My friend Susie and Me

One thing I love about my friends, is that we have fun no matter what we are doing.  Of course, there is always that one...the one you have to be careful about sitting by.  Even if we are at a is best to skip a few chairs. She says the funniest things and before you know it, you are laughing almost uncontrollably.  She doesn't is just natural for her.  You know, laughter is contagious.  

Susie and Me.....again!

We love taking pictures of silly things. 

LOL...we often send funny text to each other just to see what the others are doing.

I like to think of the silly times as just fulfilling a balanced life.  Plus.. capturing these times in photos, gives us the opportunity to look back and laugh at the memories.  

LOL...😂.  This was on the train in Alaska back in August last year.  We had a blast with snapchat.

It is Fun to have FUN!

Joy is letting go of the everyday, and allowing ourselves to dance, sing and just break free from the somewhat, everyday constraints of life.

It is perfectly OK to be imperfect!  My inner child is strong and I love the playfulness that she gives me.   The freedom to be as old as I want to be and I'm not talking about numbers here.  A NUMBER does not mean that the amusement of life has to disappear.   My kiddos really do not even know how old I am.  One year I'm 49, the next I might be 56.......Who cares about a number? 

 It is fun to see the world with fresh eyes and to find joy in these little silly things.  

Be energetic....!
Stay young at heart, for the world needs more vibrant souls.  

Big hugs to you all...



  1. What a fun post! Love it. That one of you in the purple hat is gorgeous. Wow.
    💯 percent in agreement with you. And yes the world does need more vibrant souls. Beautiful post, Shug.

  2. How I needed to read your opening line! You remind me of the proper-looking elderly lady in church I got in the habit of sitting near when we first moved here. Unfortunately (fortunately?) I had to reposition my **** because she had such a naughty sense of humor. Ever try holding in a belly laugh 'til tears spring out your eyes.
    Because in this season of becoming my husband's caregiver I don't belly laugh so much anymore. But darn it, I'm going to try.

    PS - Where in Texas do you live? I spent the best years of my life in Abilene.

  3. I totally agree with you, Shug! These photos really tickle me, and just when I needed something like this. I think my favorite is the Hillbilly one, it is hilarious!! You are absolutely GORGEOUS in the blue veil!!!

  4. Oh, my goodness - I just love this. Friends are so important, aren't they? Ginny said blue veil I think it is purple and you do look so pretty,
    I don't know what apt you took those pictures with those big eyes! Phew.
    Enjoy life and be grateful for those friends.

  5. Having a friend like that is a precious gift, Shug. May we never lose sight of our inner child and celebrate her every day. Blessings!

  6. Oh my friend! How much do I love this post??? Thank you for sharing your fun friendships. It is wonderful to have friends like that. My bestie Heather have the best time watching and commenting on The Bachelor and Bachelorette together! Sometimes all is needed is a look! And thank you for the reminder that we shouldn't care about a silly number! So happy we found each other here in Blogland!

  7. Never too old to have fun! How wonderful to have such a good friend!


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Shower and Travels

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