Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Woo.....I am finally feeling Better.  Hopefully, today, I will be able to catch up on reading all of your fabulous post.  

I came across this picture on my Facebook page and it sure brought back an old memory.  

In 1978, there was a local milk company that delivered milk to our home each week.  Our girls were young and they both drank a lot of milk.  Shanda was one and Trista was three years old.  

 One day a week, the girls attended a Mother's Day out program.   I would drop them off for a few hours, which gave me the opportunity to do my  grocery shopping, or run any other errands that I needed to get done.   This also gave the girls a few hours of play time with their friends.   

I dropped them off on this one particular Wednesday, and headed to town to do my normal errands.  I had forgotten that the milk man would be delivering our milk that  day. 



Y'all remember the days when there were NO CELL PHONES?..........Only home phones.......  Our home phone hung on the wall in the kitchen, near the back door.   It was that ugly Avocado green color.  LOL...   I'm sure you all remember  the Avocado greens, the yellows and the Orange colors of those days.  

It seems that Sam had forgotten that I had planned the day out, so he called me on that OLD AVOCADO WALL PHONE!!!!!  He was expecting ME to answer, like I always did each morning when he would call.  

There was most definitely an answer on the phone......but it was not me.   A guy answered the phone.  NO, NO, No one had broke into our home.  

It was the MILK MAN! 

His name was Randy, and when I didn't answer the door, Randy just went on in and put our milk in the refrigerator.   He knew that we would need the milk for the week.   This is what I call a good Milk Man.  

When Sam asked who he was.....Randy's response was, "The Milk Man."

Well....we all know about all the Milk Man jokes.  

Through the years, we have laughed many times about this.  

Funny thing is.....a few years later, Randy married a very good friend of ours.  We see each other all the time.    Oh yes, there have been many laughs. 

So....you can see why this set of photos brought back memories.  







  1. This made me smile:) Glad you feel better!

  2. Glad you feel better too. Man those were the days - kids wouldn't believe it now.

  3. This is too funny, Shug! Those were the good old days when we didn't have to worry about someone coming into our homes. So happy to know you are on the mend. Blessings!

  4. I love this story! Not only do I remember the green and yellow...I think they were called Avocado Green and Harvest Yellow? And I had all the green ones! Our freezer, washer and dryer! We also had milk delivered in the mid 60's. But never really saw the guy who delivered it. We had a little silver cube shaped milk box they would put the milk and cream in.

  5. P.S. I'm so glad you are better! There are a lot of things going around here.

  6. What a funny story, Shug, and so many memories for you. My mom also got the milk delivered right at her back steps for a time, and I still have a landline phone. I've always liked it better than a cell for bills and calls to family, etc. And I do remember those old phones that you could dial, they were the best. It's nice to look back on the good 'ole days, isn't it? And I love that old photo you came across on facebook. That's really something that the milkman is still a friend of you and Sam's.


  7. Oh Shug. That milkman story definitely made me chuckle.I felt
    like bursting out with a chorus of "Goodnight ladies!" I very clearly remember milk man deliveries. Our milkman's name was MANUEL. Havent thought of him in a million years. So sorry you weren't feeling well. Hope it was a quick turnaround and that you are all better now.Thanks so much for visiting Writing Straight from the Heart and for all your comments, too. They mean a LOT to me. ❤️Susan

  8. Hi Shug! What a funny story about the milkman!! That is definitely one to remember and put in your journal! I used to have a milkman years ago, in fact, they still deliver milk from a local dairy in my area. We are rural... ;0) I'm glad you are feeling better, and happy late birthday to your amazing grandson! I'm excited that Mylee is playing volleyball, I can't wait to hear about her games! Is she a senior this year? Time certainly goes by doesn't it?! So good to read your wonderful posts, and thanks for always stopping by to visit ❤️Barb

  9. I LOVED this story. Thank you!!!

    I hope you are feeling better.
    Love, Carla

  10. sweet story about a milkman...
    lad to hear that you are getting better.


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