Tuesday, August 20, 2024

School and a Story

 Back to School........

My daughters and Mylee Jo are now embracing a NEW School Year. Not only does this time of the year evoke a range of emotions for each of them, it also embarks on a new journey in their lives. Mylee is now a Junior, and Trista & Shanda just entered their 28th year, of not only being teachers, but currently as a HS Counselor and a Dyslexia specialist.  

I borrowed the photo below from a post on Facebook, and it sure made me think of the challenges we had when I was in school.

The famous period in time when BACKPACKS were not available.  

Do you remember toting your books from class to class??  

Arms loaded down with several books, pens, paper, and any assignment projects that you were working on.  

I remember my first locker.  Of course, it was a BOTTOM locker for that year.  This didn't matter though.  I was just thrilled to not have my arms aching, and to not have to keep up with my converse shoes (needed for P.E.) all day long.   

A short story here:  When Sam and I were in High School, we were boyfriend and girlfriend.  We each had a locker, but it sure made it easier for us to share "ONE" locker.  We did this, in order for us to see each other throughout the day.  We did have a few classes together, but I took several business classes and he was more focused on Mechanical Drawing and Higher level Math classes.  The lockers that we shared must have been such a huge thing in my heart.  We had many great moments at those lockers.   We have been out of school for over 50 years and I still have reoccurring dreams about meeting him at the lockers.  

Back to the Backpacks.....Students now days not only have a backpack for academics, but they also may have other backpacks for extra curricular activities.  I know Mylee has NICE backpacks for Volleyball, Basketball, and softball.  

Isn't this wonderful?  I'm going to say that they are indispensable tools for students.  And, what once used to be just a simple bag, now has multiple compartments and pockets to be used for all kinds of uses.  

Have you ever picked up one of your kids/grandkids backpacks?  Oh my goodness. How can the weight of these things not be doing a lot of damage to their physical health?  

I suppose that for us who carried our books in our arms, we built a lot of muscles in our biceps.  For students now days, they have to have a lot of strength in their back, neck and upper shoulders.  

The photo made me laugh, because not only did we have the challenge of carrying all of those books, but we also had to be so careful as to not drop anything.  Dresses were required...(NO jeans or pants allowed)...and you certainly did not want to have to bend over to pick up anything you had dropped.  

NOW....the guys were always hoping that something would fall out of your arms!!!!  lol. 😀

I'll close with that last sentence!

I do pray for all Students. 

I thank you God for your divine protection over our children.  I pray that you will keep them safe as they travel to and from school each day.  Protect them from any physical harm and send your angels to watch over them.  I am standing on your word, that no weapon formed against them will prosper.  Keep each of them in your care.  Help them to grow in knowledge and wisdom.  Give them an eagerness to learn and spirit to be a light for your kingdom. Protect our teachers..our daughters and sons, I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus.  

Blessings Friends...



  1. What great memories you have with Sam in High School! I remember carting all those books around....it was an art especially if you had a big purse too:)

  2. First, that is a nice prayer, Shug. Thank you for that, as I have two teacher daughters too, one in elementary and the other, freshman college students. The story of you and Sam and the lockers is delightful. I know what you mean about those backpacks - they are so heavy for the kids to be carrying around with all their books and essentials. Your Header brought back so many memories. I have good high school memories. That vintage photo of the girls with their books is delightful. I hope your daughters have a good teaching year, Shug. Now, I'm wondering about "dresses were required" because we got to wear pants and dresses in high school. : )


  3. Hi Shug~ Thank you for that beautiful prayer. Our kids need all of our prayers and support, especially in this day and age that we live in. Thank you. I remember soooo well carrying those books! And the dresses - no pants! I actually was able to wear pants my junior and senior year of high school, I guess we had a progressive principle ;0) Loved the story about you and Sam, so dang sweet! I have one grandson who is starting a new school today. He will be attending a, science and technology school this year. He was kind of scared this morning, but excited to be doing something he loves.... and his best friend, who is his cousin, Clara, goes there as well. They are in the same grade and have 5 out of 7 classes together! It's hard to believe that Mylee is a Junior! My goodness, I remember when she was in grade school! And, kudos to your daughters for making the decision to teach. I'm sure you are so proud of them. What a fun post, and again, thank you for that beautiful prayer. Hugs, Barb

  4. Your shared locker is such a romantic story!! Even our daughter-in-law has carried a backpack instead of a purse, as a lot of moms do now. I remember in junior high when I had injured my wrist, they had to arrange for someone to carry all my books from class to class. I still have dreams of not being able to remember my combination! If we even wore jeans or chewed gum in school, we would really catch it!

  5. Such a beautiful prayer for all students, Shug. Our oldest grandchild started high school last week but sadly, her dad's mother who had been ill for several weeks passed away this Sunday. She missed Monday and today, and when she does return, I hope and pray her new teachers will be loving and understanding of her situation. Virginia is a very sensitive young lady and is hurt so deeply by the loss of her Kiki.

  6. Thank you for thinking of praying for all the students and teachers too.

    I didn't have a backpack either, but I have lifted my grandson's and almost went over backwards.

    You do know now - kids don't really have books and papers - they put everything online. In Andy's college years we had to pay for books he never used.

    That was the sweetest story about you and your husband. Wonderful.

  7. I wore dresses in the 8 th grade and pants on Fridays but high school 68-72 we could wear whatever. I remember those heavy books. That’s what boyfriends were for! Lol
    Loved your prayer and your sweet story about meeting your husband by the lockers.

  8. I absolutely love your locker story! I love that today, that memory is so close to your heart. I remember the feeling of carrying all those books. Do you remember if your locker was far away that you had to carry all the books you thought you would need?? Best wishes for all your loved ones for a happy, healthy school year!


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