Sunday, August 18, 2024


 This past Friday evening, Sam and I had the privilege of attending the Grand Opening of the New Douglas R. Mehling II Center, for the village where my niece lives.  

Can I tell you.....this place is quite stunning and it will be such a huge Blessing for the residents of BVT.  Not only the residents, but for the staff as well.  It truly is a State of Art facility.

This place has been under construction for close to 18 months and I can certainly understand why.  

Along with some huge donations from  Philanthropist, there were many fund raising events to securely pay for this huge complex.  

I was unable to capture pictures of the inside of the building.  There was a huge number in attendance and the evening was so well organized that I did not have the opportunity to snap the pictures that I would love to have gotten.  

They served an amazing meal, consisting of a delicious salad....

Oh my goodness....this salad was so good.  The fruit was so sweet and the pomegranate seeds, along with the nuts, added so much flavor.  

The main meal featured, prime rib roast, Quail, pie sliced scalloped potatoes, and delectable roasted figs, carrots and parsnips.  
Of course.....Warm Rolls, Iced Tea, and Pecan Pie topped with cream. 

As we entered the building, we were given a refreshing watermelon drink, and served bite size squares of watermelon topped with feta cheese. Another appetizer was chicken bites wrapped in bacon. 

So Very Good!!

Our entertainment for the evening was "Lee Greenwood." 

He sang several of his hits, and followed with the singing of 
"God Bless the USA"

The residents joined him in front of the stage for the singing of this song.   What an awesome sight to see these lovely people singing their hearts out.  A true Blessing. 

Sam and I were a bit tickled...Tammy (my niece) was actually toward the end of the stage, when the song started.

and then....we could not find her.  Until, we looked further down..right in the middle...standing, just IN FRONT of Lee Greenwood..

This girl is not shy!!
We had a good laugh about this.  

I decided I would get a picture of me in front of his bus.  

I am so excited for this place to be a gigantic part of Tammy's life. 
This was an effort from many people in the surrounding areas...Praying and seeking God for his provision in making this happen.  

I wanted to show you one more picture that I was able to get.  Tammy and one of the workers at BVT dancing to one of the songs.  What a thrill this was for her.  This gentlemen, loves the residents there and he was able to make this a special night for so many of them. He is always full of energy and he danced with as many residents that he could dance with. 

A bit blurry...but a fun one.

As our evening came to an end and just before we exited the building, we were given a gift.  A beautifully packaged box of note cards.  What made these note cards so special, was that the art work was done by some of the residents.  
This blessed my heart!!

I am so proud to have this art work.
There was such dedication from these residents in doing their very best with their drawings.  I know that I will always keep them.  I think I will even have them framed.  

I hope you all are Blessed with this post.  



  1. What a really, really special event!! The food looks so fancy and delicious, and the artwork is so cool. The sunflower one is amazing 🌻. I think it could be in a museum. I love that you used that one for your header. The butterfly one shows so much talent as well. It is so wonderful that your niece has such a great place with such loving people. And I just love the shot of you with the bus!

  2. My goodness, Shug, what an uplifting event this was!!! It made my heart sing just reading your post and seeing the photos. Lee Greenwood has always been a favorite of mine, and "Proud to be an American" always sends beautiful chills down my spine. What a wonderful facility for your dear niece. Blessings!

  3. Wow, what an event! The food looks fantastic and Lee Greenwood!
    I never heard of this place - what a blessing to the community to have a special place like this. This village sounds like a wonderful place. I'm happy for your niece.

  4. It was wonderful event.We met new people that have children at BVT and they love it.

  5. Hi Shug! Oh my goodness, I cried reading this post. What a blessing for the residents and their families! The art on the cards is so cute . . . I'm not even sure I would use them! I think I would frame them, and hang them in my house. Thank you for sharing this amazing night with us! Lee Greenwood!!! And seeing Tammy dance . . . priceless! Hugs, Barb

  6. What a great evening, the Center sounds awesome!! AND it doesn't get much better than Lee Greenwood!!

  7. The village your niece lives in seems wonderful. That meal looked first class. I too love Lee Greenwood, and I LOVE THE USA!

  8. What a lovely event! The residents are lucky to have a state-of-the-art building that may stir the interests of many. It looked like a fun night for everyone as you enjoyed the delectable meal, the entertainment, meeting new folks, and getting a hand-painted cards! Very thoughtful of them to give every attendee such lovely gift! :)

  9. What a wonderful night for all, Shug. It's so nice that your niece will be able to live in these special surroundings now. The artwork is delightful, and that's great that they were made into note cards. I especially like the last butterfly. The meal looks delicious.....and you had me at pecan pie. One of my favorites. A cute photo of your niece dancing the night away. And YOU in front of the bus!


  10. I enjoyed every bit of this post. To see GOODNESS and LOVE in action. Thank You.
    I love the note cards too.
    Love, Carla

    Thank you so much for the encouragement and prayers regarding my last post.


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