Monday, August 26, 2024

 My weekend was busy, busy!  

We spent Saturday morning getting furniture moved for my Father-in-laws new home at the Memory care center.  We also brought familiar things from his home to help with the decor and to make him feel comfortable.  He will actually move in tomorrow.  

This has been a very difficult decision to make, for my husband and his brother.  I would ask for your prayers for them as they help their dad transition to a new home.


Saturday was my Birthday.  🍰

My beautiful granddaughters thought it would funny if they could kidnap me and take me to lunch.  They are both stronger than me, and with the combined strength of them both, they wrestled me into Tori's car.....then they pushed the child safety locks, where I could not open the door.  Of course, they were both laughing the entire time.  

I was not really dressed to be going out anywhere, as I had been working at getting things ready for my FIL's move.  

They took me to a local restaurant, which is so very good!!  

Just a preview of the kind of food that is on the menu at Wade's Place.  The food is always delicious.  

Since it was lunch, I ate an order of the corn on the cob, and a potato order.  

My granddaughters both keep me on my toes, at all times.   They also did a TikTok featuring the three of us.  I wish I had the video to share with you.  Maybe I can post it later.  The TikTok was them pulling a prank on me.   I thought it was a video of us.  

These girls are truly, the BEST granddaughters EVER.

Sam and I then had a few hours to rest, before meeting the family at another restaurant later that evening.  

We drove to town, and ate at FD's.  Another fabulous place to eat.  This place is about 20 minutes away from where we live.   

Our newest baby boy was able to join the family in celebrating my Birthday!

Me trying to blow out candles that DO NOT BLOW OUT.
I love the Lemon Raspberry cake from "Nothing Bundt Cakes"

A cute, lighted decoration for the table.

My family always celebrates me BIG and I love them all so very much for sharing their LOVE with me.  

Sunday morning was just as busy as Saturday.
Tucker and Emily were busy loading their truck and Suburban for their move to their new home.  Trista was helping them, so I got to feed William while they finished getting the vehicles loaded.  

Their "full" move had been delayed because of the our newest baby being born.  Mom and baby have been staying with Trista for the past 6 six weeks.   However, Tucker's job required him to be in the new location,  ahead of Emily and the baby.  Their furniture and most all their house hold items had already been moved.  
Now that Emily and William have been seen by their doctors, they are able to join Tucker  at their new home.  

They got off around 10:00 a.m. and made it to their new location before dark last evening.  Their new location is about 6 hours away.  

This pretty well sums up my Busy Weekend.  
It was BUSY, but a lot of fun!!



  1. Happy Birthday!!! I love it!!! When families celebrate birthdays in a big way, it just makes me smile. :-)
    We are having some Texas heat today here in Northwest Wisconsin, 96 degrees with 85 % dew points. It is humid and sticky. ;-) The plants are loving it.

  2. Oh, WOW, Shug. You had a super duper magnificent weekend! Happy (late) Birthday. I am so happy your entire family, especially the grands, celebrated you to the hilt! Sounded like total fun. I hope your new year of life is totally awesome. May you have good health, happy times, and endless blessings from the Lord! I wish your FIL the best at the new facility. Thank heavens he has loving family members to keep a close eye on him. Have a great week, Shug. You deserve it! Susan from Writing Straight from the Heart.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 🎂 This must have been your best birthday ever! I know how much fun having three granddaughters can be. You are so very blessed with such a large and loving family! The cake is awesome.

  4. First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know it was a good one. I love bundt cake too. So nice everyone loves you and makes your birthday special. I have never been stolen - that is so cute.
    I am sorry about your FIL. Is he going to be six hours away or did I read that wrong.
    Happy birthday.

  5. Now that’s a special birthday. Your granddaughters must really love you. That sounds like fun even if you weren’t entirely dressed for the occasion. Fun that your family and even the newest youngest member was there for the festivities! Happy Birthday and may God richly bless you and your family.

  6. Hi Shug! HAPPY BIRTHAY!!!! 🎂🎈💐🎁🎆 It looks like you had a wonderful day! You and your daughters are so adorable, and I can tell how much they love you! I think you and I are very much alike when it come to our families . . . they are our everything! The cake looks delicious! What a darling photo of your newest addition, just precious. I'm so glad that they made it safely to their new home, although I know you will miss them. I will keep Sam, his brothers and his father in my prayers. My heart goes out to them. I know what a difficult decision that was for them. But, it sounds like you guys are making him comfortable, and that's important. Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Barb

  7. Oh, what a wonderful surprise your granddaughters had for you, Shug. The food looks Yummy, and it's nice to go to our favorite restaurants from time to time. I really like that decoration on the table, it's so unique. And holding a precious baby is the best present of all. I hope the move goes smoothly, and they make it to their home safely. And I said a prayer for your father-in-law and the family. I hope his new home is a place of comfort and love and care.



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