Saturday, August 24, 2024

I have been a bit absent from my blog for the past couple of weeks.  I have tried to get a post in as often as I could, but wow...sometimes you feel the weight of daily life placing several demands on you.  

I think we all experience those unexpected challenges that visit us from time to time.  Stepping away from our daily, established routines, requires not only resilience on our part, but the ability to adapt and maintain a flexible mindset.

My Father-in-law (95 years old) has steadily been showing signs of memory failure.  We have spent this past week, exploring our options for taking care of him and his needs.

We visited a few memory care units and have finally chosen one that we feel comfortable about, to take care of him.  We spent the day yesterday, getting the apartment (they call them apartments now) set up, and furniture moved in.  

This will be the view out his sitting area window...

Things have drastically changed in the Nursing Home industry since my dad was there in 2017.  The family now pays for the "Apartment" (room or rooms) and furnishes everything, including towels, bedding, depends diapers, and any personal needs.  You are also charged by for the type of care that is required for your loved one.  From assisted living, to skilled nursing.  There are 6 levels of care and you pay according to what is needed.  


Aside from all of this... our pool (yep, the one I blogged about just this week) had to be drained.  The Texas heat, although perfect pool days for swimming, can create a combination of conditions for which yellow algae (also know as mustard algae) thrives in swimming pools.  Yellow algae can be challenging to eradicate once it takes hold.  

Because of this particular algae, we needed to drain the pool, add fresh water and replace the chemicals that were needed.  

Wa La......Pool is back up and running, with Fresh Clean water!!!


I say all of this to say, that my nights have been a bit long, because I have been waking up and unable to go back to sleep.    I have  had numerous things on my mind during the middle of the night.  My brain has gone over and over the list I made in making sure we have everything needed for Sam's dad.         Draining the pool also kept me awake.   We drained it at night  (It takes that long to drain.)

Why?  I guess I was worried about where all that water was going...Crazy how the mind works!!

I'm not complaining....I am thankful for challenges in life.  Keeps our minds going and keeps us YOUNG! 😀. 

I'll catch up on reading all of your post....hopefully tomorrow afternoon.  




  1. Oh, I certainly understand taking a break and having life get in the way.
    Do not worry. Do what you have to do.
    Goodness having to empty the pool - big job - and I don't know how much your water cost - lol. It is hot in Texas. So yellow algae.
    I am sorry about your FIL - God Bless him. Do you all have to pay - it is amazing the cost of those places.

  2. I am so sorry about all of this. I hope he does like this place, the view looks lovely. Well, I do hope they have a good disposal method for all that drained water. Do you have to drain your pool every year, and put new water in? I know there is also something like shocking the water, do not know what the heck that is but many people are doing it.

  3. Oh, my, Shug, you have been over-the-top busy! I'm glad that you were both able to find a proper place for Sam's father and his unique needs at this time. Memory issues are so difficult for any family to deal with as I can attest from our own experience with my father. May God be your comfort and your guide through it all.

  4. My Dad had Dementia, it takes a toll on the entire family. He was just in the "Normal" part of the Nursing Home where everything was provided. He was only there for 2 months and 6 days before he died. If he had gotten worse with behavior he probably would have gone to what they call here Memory Cottages. The cost here was 18,000 a month. He required the top level of care. My Mother cared for him for a long time in the assisted living apartments. I pray for the best for all of you during this transition. He has a nice view out the window.

  5. I'm sorry he's having memory issues. My husband's gram went into an appartment that was great. She could cook, sew and hang with other folks her own age. She's long gone now. Was a nice place though. .

  6. When life shows up we have to be there and helping your father-in-law is what is needed at this time. My FIL was living at the Veterans Home. It was brand new and he was the first to occupy his room. He loved it there. He was in the Snf section (assisted living) he was diabetic and had some issues. He was there 6 years and was starting to have some memory issues but then had a stroke and died in Nov 2020. He was 94.
    I never heard of yellow algae. That’s a lot if water to drain. Glad your pool has water in it now and can be used again.
    Take care. You’ve got a lot on your plate. ❤️🙏🏻

  7. "Why? I guess I was worried about where all that water was going...Crazy how the mind works!!"

    I was picturing a big truck taking it all in a tank and then driving away with it. No? Did you drain it like bathtub?

    Bringing your own tiwels, blankets, etc. sounds like a good idea to me. For one thing, it's little pieces of home. For another, it seems cleaner?

  8. I do hope your father-in-law likes his new place. May God hold him close, along with your family, during this transition in his life. Wow, I think I would have the same question, where does all that water go when the pool is drained? So glad you have new clean water now, as I know how much you love your pool and backyard. Take care, Shug, and hang in there, my dear.


  9. It is hard to see a loved one go through life changes.

  10. Hello, I do understand what you are saying. I can have the same happen to me. I worried a lot when Sam was deployed in 2023. I would wake in the night and think of him.
    I do hope all goes well for your father in law. Keep us update, we learn from bloggers so we know what to do when we need to do this for our loved ones.
    I have the same questions about the pool water?!?

  11. Hi Shug~ I will keep Sam's dad in my prayers. I know what a hard decision it is to put him in a nursing home. I'm so sorry. Draining your pool must have taken a while! I'm glad you have it filled again and ready to relax, you sound like you could use some rest. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday, Shug. Hugs, Barb

  12. I hope things have settled down for you and that you'll get back to peaceful and restful nights! Hugs!


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