Thursday, August 22, 2024

 Last evening I was hanging out in our back yard, enjoying all of the lights that surround our pool.  This is the perfect way to relax.  

Here, in this picture, the lights look completely white.  They are not!  I guess it was the light on my camera phone that made them look this way.  One thing I enjoy is watching the pool lights change colors....they change from red to green to dark blue to purple.  

You can see the difference in colors with my flash off.  

The glow of patio lights reflecting off of the water creates such a magical atmosphere.  I have always loved you can imagine how happy I am as Christmas time nears.  
If it were up to me, I would leave the lights up all year long.  I guess I kinda do in our back yard.  Difference is, those are patio lights and not Christmas lights.  

The beauty of my evening was enhanced by my flowers. 

I took the photos of my flowers just before the night darkness arrived.  

A refreshing glass of Southern iced tea was just the thing to make the evening complete.  

I am in love with our backyard!!
I consider it a simple pleasure that we are Blessed to have.  

For me, it is the combination of well-placed patio lights, the scent of blooming flowers, and the gentle sound of my wind chimes that creates such a peaceful space. 

We love our home and by extending the warmth of this love outdoors is indeed something very special.  
Lights, Torches, outdoor rugs, flowers and cozy seating areas are all elements of making our backyard welcoming and enjoyable.  

Even if we didn't have the pool, I am pretty sure that there would be hanging patio lights to dazzle against the night sky.  

Shug.   💡


  1. Oh Shug, twinkling lights have always been wonderful to me as well. There's nothing like them, especially at Christmastime. Your back yard must look so charming with the lights and the flowers and the pool. It reminds me of the pool we had at one time in our 4,000 sq. ft. home. But with getting older and downsizing, it's a much smaller space for me here. Those yellow flowers are so pretty, and the PINK in your pool is cool. I'd love to just sit out there with you and just talk and talk. Southern iced tea sounds so nice. When Nel lived in Georgia, she talked about your tea all the time. : )


  2. It is like a beautiful fairyland!!! So gorgeous!! I bet all of your family just loves to come out here. What is the beautiful yellow flower? I bet it smells really good out there too.

  3. Outdoor lights are magical, and yours are no exception, Shug. We have lights all around our deck and they look so wonderful at nighttime. Blessings!

  4. What a beautiful patio and pool. I’d be out there all the time. They are pretty at night. Your pool looks so refreshing - an evening swim sounds so delightful.

  5. I would so love a pool! It doesn't make sense with our short season.
    Thanks for visiting.

  6. Hello shug. Thank you for sharing about your beautiful backyard and I so enjoyed the pictures of the lights reflecting in the pool. Just lovely. I also enjoyed the pictures of you and your family on your sidebar. What a lovely family you have. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog earlier. I left a reply to your comment there, if you care to check it out.

  7. Hi Shug~ What a gorgeous patio! Your pool looks so inviting and pretty with the lights, what a blessing indeed! Christmas is right around the corner . . . more lights!! This was such a beautiful post, Shug. Thank you for sharing a little corner of your world with us. Hugs, Barb

  8. Lights outside are fun! We used to have a changing front porch bulb. I think it finally died, though I'm not sure. It went through all kinds, red, green, yellow, all those those. Very fun.

  9. Oh my, how lovely. We have twinkle lights out on our deck, they add the perfect light for an evening of sitting outside.
    xx oo

  10. How beautiful it is at your place! Like a vacation spot. A little piece of heaven!


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