Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It seems that August is coming to a close...Just a few more days of the 8th month of the year, and we will be in September.  

 The 2024  autumn equinox actually happens on Sept. 22, but for us here in Texas, the meteorological Fall doesn't begin until much later.  Fall is actually more during the months of October and November.  

YET.....I am always ready on September 1st to begin transitioning our home decor over to the Fall color Palette.  

I begin by shifting the bright summer colors , like the yellow sunflowers, along with some of my turquoise colors, to some warmer tones.  

I have picked up a few new things to be ready to begin this transitioning period.  
I "may" have stopped in one of my favorite decorating stores a few times these past few weeks.   "Home Goods" is a great store for all kinds of decorating goodies, and they stock many unusual items that seem to catch my eyes. 

Like this cutie!!!  Isn't it adorable?
I wanted to get a couple more for my daughters, but this was the ONLY one on the shelves.  

I also found these placemats....they will look great on our round breakfast table.  

I can't wait to fill these fancy cupcake holders with something like this ↓↓↓↓

pinterest source

I still need to look for some new throws and pillows for the living area.  I prefer adding some of the Fall colors using textures like plaids or even the new chunky knits that are available right now.  

Another favorite thing for me is adding Fall scents.  Do you use wall plugs for filling your homes with the aroma of Fall?  Or.... do you opt to use diffusers?  I like the diffusers, but for me, they do not put off a very strong scent.  
Do any of you have any suggestions on what diffusers are best?

I will wait until the end of September to bring out any of my glass pumpkins.  I know that I can use them in October and November, which is the reason for the delay in using them in my decor in September.  

One thing that I will be using....(I actually use them all year long) little fairy LIGHTS.  I love all the tiny lights that go on the mantle or in any space that I can illuminate, to bring in the Fall ambiance. 

I am ready for the coziness and the warmth of what Fall brings!!

Happy Wednesday Friends...

Shug... 🍁🌻 


  1. It is that time of year. We've cool nights. Happy fall!

  2. Hurrah! I was so happy to see your post was about fall decor!! I love it, and it gives me ideas! NOOO, put out your pumpkins right away so I can see them!!! I started my decorating on August 1st because it takes me several weeks to finish it. I am so old and slow now! I will be posting my things as well. I ADORE the tree, and would live in Home Goods if I could!! I would go there NOW to look for one, but they are almost an hour away. Your placemats and other things are just perfect!!!

  3. That is the cutest tree! I can see why you wanted to get two more for your daughters! The felt leaves are pretty too. Oh, how I love Home Goods. Find something there every time. I am also a fairy light lover, and try to string them on the mantel for holidays. I can't wait to see your Fall decor, Shug. And not sure if I ever mentioned, but that is such a pretty photo of you on your side bar. Your eyes are something else!


  4. I'm so ready for Fall, too, Shug! Summer is my least favorite season - way to hot. I do love your tasteful and seasonal decorations, too. Blessings, and thanks for visiting my blog today. :)

  5. We are like you here in GA. Fall might be Sept. 22, but it won't be fall until later. I love your fall decor - it made me feel a little relief from all this heat. 97 tomorrow. Sunner is my least favorite season. That is the cutest tree - do you have any more Home Goods near you - we have a couple around here. That cupcake - looks so incredible - but not for me right now - lol.
    Happy early fall.

  6. fantastic decorations...... Fall seems to be in our areas by end of next month....
    Happy Fall

  7. You have great taste in décor. I love decorating for the seasons too.


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