Thursday, August 29, 2024

Breathtaking Colors

I love watching the sun as it begins its slow descent, painting the sky with a breathtaking array of colors.  This is exactly what I saw in my header photo.

Our Great Grandson 

I've noticed that as the sun sinks lower and lower, the colors seem to deepen, to make the sky look as if it is ablaze with fire.  Our area has had some dark rain clouds for the past couple of days, which has really enlightened the sunsets.   And Yay....we actually got rain yesterday.  💦

Mylee Jo.....this picture was taken in Costa Rica.    "Breathtaking Colors."

Sunsets are so profound, and often times, I feel such a surge of spiritual greatness.   They speak to my soul.  I love this!!!    Isn't it wonderful how the beauty of a sunset, invites us to stop, and take in the awesomeness of God's amazing artwork.  HE....(God) truly is a Master of creation and beauty.  

I took this picture last evening as Sam and I were driving over to our daughter's house.  

At the end of the day, as the world begins its tranquil embrace of the darkness, (which is only minutes away)  I am reminded that regardless of any challenge I might face, my help comes from the Lord.  

HE is Almighty God. 

I am so very grateful for the sunsets.   

Enjoy a sunset and feel the presence of God in your life..




  1. Exquisite photos, Shug. Really great! Oh, I so agree with you regarding sunsets (and sun rises, too, on the rare occasion when I am up very early. haha) I think the Lord speaks to us through sunsets and sunrises. He shows how magnificent this life can be! Change of subject.....I drink hibiscus tea both hot and cold, over ice. Both ways are refreshing and good for the body. Thanks for being such a faithful blog peeps, Shug, and for all your visits and comments on Writing Straight from the Heart. Hope your day and long weekend ahead are awesome! Susan

  2. Lovely! It's amazing how every sunset is unique.

  3. I agree with you - those were some fabulous sunsets. I also agree with you about God and how he takes care of us if only we decide to look. Gorgeous!

  4. That is a beautiful sunset. So colorful. Glad you were able to capture it. God is in all the details - from sunrise to sunsets, rain and sunshine sharing with us all His wondrous creation reassuring us that He is the Almighty.

  5. Beautiful!!!! The gifts that God gives us to enjoy!!! Amen

  6. These are all pretty sunsets, Shug. I especially like the one with your grandson. I used to see the glorious sunrises in my hometown, but since moving to the mountains, the pines often times cover up the sunrises, and they are blocking my view of the sunrises. Such sweet words about help coming from the Lord. It comes in different ways and it always comes. : )


  7. Hi Shug~ Oh my goodness! What a beautiful post! You know me, I love a beautiful sunset, they really do speak to my soul. I feel like they are a little gift from God, something to remind us that He is ever present and ever faithful. The picture of Mylee Jo is just beautiful, she is growing up so fast! September is upon us... Have a wonderful Labor Day, Shug! Hugs, Barb

  8. Wonderful post filled with glorious sunsets. I too love sunsets and should try to get out more and get a few shots of them as we have some gorgeous ones around our area.


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