Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Hello Friends....

Can you believe it is already the second weekend in August?  Time is moving fast.  Yesterday, Mylee Jo played her first Volleyball game of the season.  This coming Wednesday, she begins her Junior Year of High School.  Where has time gone?

Time passes us by, in what seems to be a blink of the eye, reminding us that each moment is precious and fleeting.  I try not to dwell on how quickly the days pass..... By  embracing the journey and making the most of every single day.  

I enjoy the small joys, as I watch my grandkids pursue what sets their soul on fire.  

I'm sending you all encouragement vibes, to embrace the day with a  heart full of gratitude.  I am eager to explore all of the possibilities that this day holds.

Hope you all will join me today in praying for our Country. We are a nation that needs to desperately seek God. Also, please pray that the WildFires that are rapidly growing, will all be contained.

May we all have a Super, Sparkly, Gorgeous, Day!




  1. Oh, my goodness - life changes while you blink your eyes.
    I am in prayer for the country for sure.

    1. This Country sure needs all the prayers from everyone.

  2. I have been in prayer for our country and continue to do so. And yes, our grandchildren grow up way too fast. Our oldest grandgirl is starting high school this year. I can't believe it!
    Blessings, Shug!

    1. Once they reach High School....time seems to pass even faster

  3. For me, the older I get, the faster and faster time goes! It seemed so much slower when I was younger. WOW, your cactus header! It is gorgeous! Looks like you snapped it to specifically be a header.

    1. hey Ginny...they make cactus so real looking these days.

  4. Thank you, Shug, for your prayers on the wildfires. The one up here is about 34% contained last I checked, and it's a BIG one. Your words are so special and beautiful today. I'm glad I came by to visit. I hope the new school year is a good one for all the kids. : )


  5. Thank you for prayers for our wildfires. We have another one that broke out this afternoon on the outskirts of my town, burning in the burn scar area of 2018’s Carr fire. People just rebuilt - We’re safe. It would have to cross the Sacramento River and I-5 to reach us.
    And Yes on praying for our country.
    I pray for Israel a couple times a day. So many countries need our prayers.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........