Friday, August 2, 2024

Fear- Our Biggest Bully

Our biggest Bully is..... FEAR.

Have you ever listened to the song, "Fear is a Liar" by Zach Willams?  I listen to this song every single night.....sometimes two or three times.  

Fear, he is a liarHe will take your breathStop you in your stepsFear, he is a liarHe will rob your restSteal your happinessCast your fear in the fire'Cause fear, he is a liar

This song echos in my mind over and over again, just how big of a LIAR Fear is.  How many times have I allowed Fear to rob me of happiness?  

Our youngest daughter has certainly had a good amount of stress in her life for about two years now.  First.....her youngest son and our youngest grandson, was in a terrible car accident a couple of years ago.  He was thrown from the truck and the truck itself landed on his chest.  A miracle occurred that night and even though Trey was severely injured, he survived. (This miracle is a story in itself.)  It took several months for him to even be able to walk and during this time, Shanda was his caretaker.  She has re-lived over and over again, how much pain her son was in and the fight he had to fight to survive.

Next, she experienced a stress heart attack.   Not something you expect at the age of 43.   With medication and the help of her cardiologist, she recovered well from this.  However, FEAR of having this happen again has played some havoc on her.  

  This summer, she has experienced a small health issue, in which FEAR has once again reared its ugly head.   Her regular doctor has ordered several test, but, as we all know,  sometimes the test themselves can bring on stress.  LIKE.....having to go into a skinny tube for an MRI, when you are already claustrophobic.  

I might never want to research your symptoms on the computer, because......... before you know have all kinds of diseases!!!!!!!   Do you know what fear can do to your body?  It can make you feel like your heart is coming out of your chest.  It can make you feel like you are having a heart attack.

 All of her blood work and test have come back GOOD, and a 10 day prescription of a steroid, has now resolved the issue.  Praise the Lord! 👐

This is just one example of what Fear can do to you!!  It can rob you of your happiness.  We all have experienced the emotions of Fear.  It can be a fleeting feeling that transcends its original purpose for us as humans.  I know for myself how Fear can paralyze and manipulate your life.  

We all know that Fear is an intrinsic part of the human experience, but when we recognize that Fear is a powerful bully, WE MUST PULL DOWN THE STRONGHOLDS, and allow God to overthrow the BULLY!  We must Trust in God's promises for protection and provision!!!

"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound mind."

"Let your Fire fall, and cast out all my fears"


*NOTE.....I just felt led to share this today!  God knows the reasons why and I always want to follow HIS leading.  


  1. Good post. I’ve been allowing the bully of fear to panic me about the fire that is just too close for comfort. I can be concerned but when I start overthinking and creating scenarios that probably won’t happen, I’ve given over my serenity over to the bully! I’m usually pretty good but these last couple of weeks, I just haven’t been myself.
    Your post obviously resonates with me.
    Amazing miracle regarding your grandson and prayers for your daughter. I always feel so bad for others who get crippled with fear.
    God bless.

  2. As I am reading this, loud LOUD crazy loud thunder is happening. 😳

  3. Of COURSE God led you right to post this! I just finished reading another post about fear. I read yours with great interest, because I have many fears. This has been helpful! But it is still so hard to let it go. Humans have such a need to be in control of everything, instead of turning it all over to God. Trey and Shanda's stories are so amazing, especially Trey! His recovery just must have been a true miracle, how could anyone survive that? Perhaps it means that God has great things for him to do.


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