Thursday, August 1, 2024


Teachers return to school on Monday, August 5th....the kiddos return on August 14th.

I remember when I was growing up...August meant the last month of Summer Vacation. 

Oh, the simple pleasures of childhood memories.  

The 1st of August also meant that School was still weeks away, which also signified that we would have plenty of time to indulge in all of our favorite activities.  It was HOT though!!  No Air Conditioning!  The first part of the Summer was for Vacation Bible schools....We went to all of the Bible schools in town!!  LOVED going to Vacation Bible School

We always looked forward to August....especially me.  August is my Birthday month.  

My siblings and I were outdoor kids.  Even though we did not have a pool for swimming, we would create our own with the use of the garden hose and barrels.  LOL.  

The long sunny days were spent playing with cousins and friends, riding bikes and just simply exploring the outdoors.  The best part was a weekly trip to my grandfather's filling station....aka....Gas station.  A penny piece of gum and a soda was the icing on the cake for a long summer week!

Did any of you ever collect coke bottles and take them to be sold?  We would walk the bar ditches and find the glass bottles that drivers would throw out....collect them....and take them to the local grocery store to sell.  FUN!!  FUN!! FUN!!

We always knew that August meant School Clothes Shopping days ahead.  I mean, a pair of shoes and a couple of outfits, plus some new socks, was BIG!   I always wanted the penny loafers.  

Did you have these?  

August was the month for having a "Beach Boy" kind of carefree spirit and for making lasting, treasured memories.  

As a child....August was fabulous.  Our energy was like a firecracker, and our laughter was a priceless gift.  




  1. My goodness, yes! What a wonderful post, my friend. Your words took me right back to my childhood and those "Lazy, Crazy Hazy Days of Summer" as my mom called them! August was indeed a whole month of outside after dinner, playing with the neighbors, drippy ice cream cones on our bikes, and school clothes shopping, one at a time, with my mom. Beautiful memories. Thank you!

  2. No penny loafers but I did have some saddle shoes:) Yes we picked up pop bottles on Sunday Dad would take us and drive the car slowly so we could spot bottles in the ditch and then we would turn them in and buy candy! Here in Minnesota school does not start until after Labor Day..tourism :)

  3. That’s just crazy that school starts that early! When I was a kid, school started after California Admission Day - Sept 9. It was tradition! Even when mine were in school. Somewhere in the early 2000’s it started changing. I much prefer school in Sept. August was when we took a vacation when mine were young.
    August was always when soccer started. We always coached so it was a busy month, notifying the parents and planning the practices.

    Your post really conjured up good memories.

  4. I enjoyed hearing about your childhood Summer memories, Shug. Mine were similar, and I smiled when you mentioned going school shopping and getting a pair of shoes, a couple outfits, and some socks. That was me too! It was so fun getting those clothes for the first week of school. Oh, and the penny candy!....I think we are kindred spirits. : )



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