Saturday, August 3, 2024

 Saturday Morning Plant Update!

My plants around the pool and in the front yard, are really putting on a show this year.  

The rain has given them such vibrancy and life and I am totally loving all of the blooms. 

my esperanza blooms are bursting with such bright yellow colors and are really providing a lot of nectar for our hummingbirds.  

I have never had any luck growing zinnias, but this year, not only are they still they are blooming beautifully.

All of my pot plants have added a significant amount of beauty to our backyard.  Hard Work??  Yes.. they require a lot of my time with all the pruning, watering and fertilizing that has to be done.  

Our kids gave us a fire pit for Christmas, and I have made good use out of it.  I read where you could make multiple uses out of your fire pit by using it not only for a winter fire, but as a huge pot for flowers during the Spring and Summer months.  

I planted my Lantana in the big fire pit, and wow.... it has flourished.  

For this big pot, I planted TEXAS SAGE and two different colors of Portulaca. This pot is in my front flower bed and it truly makes a statement in my rock flower bed.  

Another succulent plant sitting in my Rock Flower Bed. 

Our Golden Elm has been an Envy around town for many years now.  This tree is gorgeous, and the hotter it is outside, the more beautiful the leaves are.   I consider this tree  to be one of the privileges of having a husband who grows trees for a living. 

We have had numerous people pull through our circle drive just looking at the tree itself. 

I threw a couple of strands of this creeping Jenny in this bed just a couple of weeks ago.  I've been letting it do its own thing and by doing so, I think it is adding a lot of character to my rock bed.  

Last but certainly not least is a picture of one of my purple grasses!  I enjoy how the blooms of the grass flow in the landscape of my yard.  

I am happy with the choices of plants that I selected this year.  The vibrant colors and the intricate shapes have been captivating and has brought much joy to my heart.  

Flowers enrich our lives!!

Shug. 🌼


  1. Oh yes, Shug, you are so right. Flowers definitely enrich our lives and yours are gorgeous! Great job! Loved seeing them.Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your flowers are simply stunning, Shug! Seeing them so healthy and happy brought a smile to my face today. Thank you for that!
    I'm now one of your followers, too. Thanks for stopping by my most recent post. Blessings!

  3. Wow, this looks like the poolside of one of those really rich people in California! Your choice of flowers was so good! I love this decorative grass. That and the Esperanza are my favorites.

  4. Gorgeous, Dahling!

    The care and effort you put into your potted flowers are is just beautiful. Your choice of using a fire pit as a planter is quite innovative, although my husband is not on board with the idea. I admit, neither he nor I want to be the one to clean it all out after being in the dirt for the summer!!! I have noticed older firepits in thrift stores and might consider repurposing them as planters. I do have an old rusty smoker I could use as a planter. But that would have to be next year. I'm in Fall mode.

    We took a break from gardening during this "sabbath summer" and are relying more on our native plants and hardy perennials, to give us some color - especially given the scorching hot days with temperatures reaching 119 degrees. The high cost of maintaining our plants during these heatwaves is expensive. I did find a blooming gerbera daisy in one of my pots this morning.

    Your patio is so pretty. I like your umbrella.

  5. What gorgeous gorgeous flowers. You must have a green thumb. Most of my flowers bloomed early this year due to the heat, and didn't last as long...due to the heat and lack or rain; and most are pretty much done already. That makes me sad. I love to look out and see lots of color. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in to say hi. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

  6. Beautiful!! You have such vibrant colors! I know how much care goes into growing pretty flowers!


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