Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Blog Books

 All about Family....  My post today is about the family time we were Blessed to enjoy these past two weeks.  

 I enjoy capturing these special times in my Blog Books, that I have printed.  By the way....these books make awesome gifts for your grown kids.  I think they are even better than photo albums, because the books include words.  

              My First Blog Book ↑↑

I know.....this one is a funny for sure! 

Do you ever have your books printed??

these books are so much fun to look back on.

These next few pictures will be added in my next printed book....

This little 4 year old great granddaughter LOVES to dress up... she is definitely a Girly Girl.  ðŸŽ€ðŸ‘›ðŸ’„

All of our grandkids have been here the past couple of weeks and Oh my....we did have a wonderful time.  lots of special memories were made.  

Some of us had to play dress-up and even had to parade around our circle drive out front.  Did I mention that we had to 👋 wave at any car that was passing by?  After all....this is what princesses do!!!

And......we had to dance !! 

This 4 year old was wearing a hat, bigger than her body.  She and her brother, Loved the pool.

So....this happened too!  Our baby granddaughter, Mylee Jo......decided she No longer wanted highlights in her hair.   She went back to her natural color which is dark brown.  I actually think this natural color makes her eyes stand out.  

Tucker and Emily had pictures made with the their baby....our newest member of the family...

Our 3rd grandson celebrated his 23rd Birthday!!
My grandkids are all growing up!

Carson and his beautiful Bride to Be....Emily (yes...this is Emily #3 in our family)
spent some time checking out wedding venues...

We had some Build a Bear fun!!

Golf time for the guys!

Hanging out time for the Girls....

Lots and Lots of Pool time in this Texas heat...

and then..... ↓↓↓↓

Time to fly home!!!  

I know this has been an overload of photos and I apologize.  Just wanted to make sure I had these in my book.  



  1. Shug, I LOVE seeing your family. It melts my heart the LOVE that jumps out of your photos and writing.
    Love, Carla

    1. Thank you Carla...Family is so very important to me.

  2. The books are awesome, much nicer and prettier than I would have thought! Loving the photos, you choose well!! Favorite is the big hat in the water. And I especially love the candid ones!

    1. I was really surprise when I first had a book printed. They truly are nice.

  3. I love your idea for books from your family photos and blogs, Shug. Your little princess stole my heart! Blessings!

    1. Thank you Martha...The books are so very nice to have.

  4. Wow - those books are awesome. I bet you spent some money there. I loved seeing your books, your family - and I loved the princess and making everyone wave! That is so cute. You have a lot of love there.

    1. They do cost a good bit, but I usually ask for them for my birthday or other gifts. Our little princess is definitely a sassy girl.

  5. Fun times and smiles all around! : )



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