Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Game of Chess and......

Game of Chess......and a couple of Confessions!

Are you a "Game" player?  I confess.....that I do not enjoy playing board games....nor do I enjoy card games.  

A few years ago, Sam came across a Chess game, at an antique shop.   A very nice wooden Chess set. He has always wanted to play this game.  He has studied a bit about how it is played, but with no one to play with is difficult to do it right.  

This particular set that he purchased, has been sitting in our storage for a while now.   Never been him!

From what little I have read about this game, it is MORE than a game!!  It is a blend of art, science, and sport, that requires strategic thinking, foresight, and creativity.  

Our oldest grandson loves playing this game, and since he and his family are here for a couple of weeks, (visiting from California)... he and his POPs dug it out and Tyler is teaching his grandfather how to play!

Tyler has the type of personality and wisdom....that if he wants to learn something, he teaches himself.  Whether it is Chess, playing the guitar, playing the harmonica, golfing, etc.....he puts forth the effort to learn.  This is what he did with the game of Chess.  He taught himself how to play. 

 A few years ago, he wanted to learn how to fly a plane.....a few lessons later and he was flying.

Learning is so effortless for him.  

"Every chess master was once a beginner."  Irving Chernev

Another Confession:  I'm a Flip Flop girl....Seriously!  My little piggies do NOT like to be closed in!  I even wear flip flops in the Winter months.  




  1. I never learned to play chess, seemed to complicated for me. I do like board games and card games and play Bunco which is a dice game. - I use to wear flipflops (or thongs as we referred to them) all the time. Now it's tennis shoes because the my skin would dry out too much in the flipflops and peel.

  2. Tyler sounds like our Sam. I would like to learn chess, Tyler has inspired me.

  3. Phil is an expert chess player, and has won many awards. He also taught chess classes at the local elementary school. Does Sam do computers? If so, Phil would be delighted to play with him and give some pointers. Here is the website he uses. Phil may have to help him get to know the website and how to get around it. If he is interested, let me know and I will give you his phone number. I'm not a fan of board games or cards either!

  4. I love board games and card games, my husband does not. I cannot wear flip flops...the thingy between my toes makes me queasy...even looking at someone elses feet in flip flops make me lightheaded...strange I know:)


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