Sunday, July 14, 2024

Flower Fascination

 I do have a Flower Fascination........🌻

I am fascinated with flowers. When I go to a nursery, it becomes pure mental therapy for me.  

Flowers of all kinds captivate my heart with their beauty, fragrance and symbolisms.  I honestly believe that the presence of flowers has a profound impact on MY emotional well-being.  They always elevate my mood and bring me much happiness.  

This orange canna against the blue sky clearly speaks power and hope!

The blooms reach high above other flowers, and the blue sky sends me such good vibes along with the positivity of having dreams.  

The grasses that I planted have added so much drama to my backyard. This comes from the way they move.  Any time of the day, I can look out and find them swaying with such elegance, and they do so with just the slightest breeze.  

 My Esperanza....Oh Wow!!  
I love this one! do the Hummingbirds.  

This plant provides my back yard with a continuous display of radiant color.  In my opinion, this plant is a showstopper.

This one is Always in my garden! 
The Plumbago....

It has the perfect Blue which looks beautiful against the green windmill palms I have planted behind them.  One of my favorite things about this plant/flower is how it attracts so many butterflies.  


Moss    Rose........

This one loves Texas. LOL.   I'm sure it loves other states as well, but the heat here in Texas makes this plant Thrive.  Doesn't require much water and the blooms are so colorful.  

Who knows what kind of Water Bill I will have this next month.  I have SOOOOOO MANY flowers and plants and they all require water every day....with the exception of the Moss Rose.  I usually spend a good hour or so each morning, outside, watering my flowers.

For me, there are great therapeutic benefits of growing flowers, and it extends far beyond their beauty.  Aside from the awesome Tan that I now have from being in the sun, while watering, I also find myself bending every which way when I prune them.  This is exercise...RIGHT?  Perhaps it can be called moderate exercise. 

Believe me....there are those days when I feel the physical exertion that comes with potting and pulling weeds.  

Hope you have enjoyed seeing a FEW of my flowers and can understand the fascination I have in their Beauty.  



  1. You have some wonderful flowers, I like them too but gave up watering years ago:)

  2. Your flowers are coming along nicely, Shug. I especially love the small blue ones. They are so dainty and pretty. And the yellow ones say Summer is here. It's nice that you get out there and plant and water, and keep your garden spruced up. I have mini roses and a white flowering bush, which I've been told looks like the Bridal Wreath. Yes, even with just those plants and flowers, the weeding is not an easy chore, and I would say it is exercise, indeed. ; ) Enjoy your beautiful flowers, Shug.


  3. Beautiful... I love flowers too. The end of July and the start of August our gardens start to really show off. :-)

  4. Wow your flowers are gorgeous. You do a great job keeping them all watered every day. I've been a little lax with that this summer, hate getting out when it's hot outside.


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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