Saturday, June 22, 2024

What you Might not know About Me

This is a somewhat Lazy day, so I thought I would share a few things about ME that most people would not know!!

I am a second child!!  My sister was three years older than me and I have a brother that is three years younger than me, and another brother who is seven years younger.  

I was always so very attached to my mother...

Most kids get past the "missing your mom" syndrome, a few weeks after starting kindergarten.   NOT ME!!  I really had a difficult time until I was in the 6th grade, but even then, being with my mom was always on my mind.  

I have always been extremely shy.....
I would only present a small part of myself to the world, leaving much of who I was hidden beneath the surface.  It wasn't until I began blogging, back in 2010, that I have come out of my shell.  Why?  I suppose it was me gaining confidence in my writing and being able to meet friends via the blogging world.  
Being shy presents many challenges. One being,  I get anxious when meeting new people or attending events that I am not familiar with.  We all have hidden layers, and shyness will most likely be a forever part of me.  My shyness has taught me to be more understanding and more empathetic to others who might also feel uncomfortable in social settings.  

Sam and I were High School Sweethearts!
Our journey began on March 13th, 1968.  We were Freshman's in HS.  Never once, did we ever breakup....We dated throughout all of our HS years and for another year after we graduated.  We married in 1972.

A few years after having our two daughters, I became very sick.  Sam took me to Doctor after doctor, with no results of knowing what was going on.  After about 5 years of being sick, almost to the point of not being able to function, I saw a doctor in the Dallas area.  He ran many test on me and the conclusion was that I needed to return to my home town, and find me a new gynecologist.  What??

We did exactly this!
Sam and I made an appointment and we had a very long visit with the New doctor.  Before we left his office, it was as if he had a good idea of what the problem was.  
For the next few months, I took an expensive shot once a month that would completely shut down my pituitary gland.  I could tell a difference after the first month.  
By the time I had taken the 4th shot, I was so much better, so the doctor knew that it was hormones and I needed a complete hysterectomy.  (This is a long story of my life, but I am so thankful that I have a husband who stood by me in my sickness.  Those 5 years were long and very difficult for him and our daughters.) When one feels as if they are losing their mind, it becomes overwhelming.  

YES......the surgery worked and it forever changed my life.  

Hormone issues are REAL and I would advise any woman who is having problems to make sure that their doctor checks their hormone levels.  

I went to school and got my Manicurist license.  I enjoyed this for a while, but really was not my thing!!


I have been Blessed to be able to stay home and keep my grandchildren as they were growing up.  This was a huge Blessing!
During the years that I did work, I was employed by the State as a secretary in the Food Stamp Division.  I worked for an Oil Company for a few years as a receptionist.  I opened my own Flower shop and totally enjoyed every aspect of arranging flowers.    
I worked at our local elementary school (along with my daughters who are teachers) as the Librarian, until my parents became ill and needed my help.  

My passion is, first of all....... taking care of our family.  I try to be available for any need that any of them might have.  
It is ok to have more than one passion right?
My other passions would be my love for decorating, growing flowers, WRITING, and keeping our home comfortable and inviting.
I also LOVE rearranging furniture!!  I do not wish to live a monotonous life, which is most likely the reason that I try to create energy by executing new ideas and new settings for our everyday living.  

My personal thoughts on my life....  
MAKE.. ANY...JOB... I... DO...,  BE... SOMETHING... I...LOVE... DOING!!!

I often wonder if people truly understand my deep passions in life.  These things are more than just pastimes.  My passions bring me intense joy and much satisfaction in life.  Whether it is exploring a hidden talent or imagining what my next chapter in life will bring,...... I know that these are the cornerstones of my personal happiness and creativity.  

There are so many other things about me that most people do not know....but I thought I would just highlight a few on this post. 
I may share a few more things a little later....
 I cannot SWIM, but yet we have a pool. !! 😎😎😎😎
I Love to drive 🚜 Tractors!!
I am forever getting Left  and Right mixed up!!
I love Hallmark Christmas 🎄 movies all year long!
I wear Flip Flops all year long....⛄🌞
I am Extremely scared of 🐍's.
I am very claustrophobic..... 👀
My favorite color is ⚫

What are some things that we don't know about you??




  1. Shug, it was such a pleasure getting to know some things about you. I also do a post from time to time called "getting to know our blog friends," and it's similar to this one, just sharing some things that my friends might not know about me. First, I'm so sorry that you went through the hysterectomy and felt bad for so many years. I'm glad that they found what was wrong and treated you. That's wonderful you and Sam have been together since high school. And that's neat that you were a manicurist at one time.

    I love Hallmark Christmas movies all year long too! And I am a bit claustrophobic. I don't like to take the elevators, and would prefer to walk the stairs. Looking forward to getting to know you more when you do one of these posts again, Shug.


    1. ps.....if you want to check out my "get to know your blog friends" post, it was on February 10, 2023. ; )

  2. It is so cool that you were a manicurist and had your own flower shop! I think running a flower shop would be lovely. What a story, I don't know how you managed being sick for so many years! Thanking God that you finally found a good doctor. Hmmm, what do you not know about me? I once performed with Cirque Du Soleil. I love your fun header!

  3. Interesting post. Those 5 years sound like quite the ordeal. Glad they were able to finally figure it out.

  4. I enjoyed learning more about you. Five years is a long time to suffer with a health concern. We have some things in common. I’m a little shy as well. I’m an introvert as well so I too feel uncomfortable in new situations. I’m constantly pushing myself to take that step forward.
    I like to drive as well although never drove a tractor but I’m sure I’d enjoy it.
    Glad you’re feeling better these days! God bless.

  5. Hi, this was fun. And very important to share your health issues with us as well. We need to share our stories so others can learn from them. Thank you for this Shug.
    Love, Carla

  6. Five years is a long time to be sick, I am so glad you had one smart Doctor! What a fun post. I also married my High School Sweetheart and am very afraid of sssnakes. I am not shy, but because of my husbands health we live an isolated life style. I do not like crowds and am always looking for an exit!


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