Sunday, June 23, 2024

Meet My family

Meet my Family!

The love of my life!  My husband Sam.  He has appeared many times on my blog post!  His Family owns a Nursery Business and they specialize in Pecan Trees.  He has been employed for this Family Business for 52 years and is the Chief Operations Manager.  

our daughters..
Shanda on the left and Trista on the right.
Trista is 49 and Shan is 47
They are both teachers and both teach Dyslexia.  

Shanda and her husband Tom.
They have been married for 24 years and are the parents of Carson, Trey and Mylee Jo

Trista and her husband Ty.  They have been married for 28 years.
Parents of Tyler, Tucker and Tori

Our oldest grandson, Tyler, his wife Emalee and their two children, Keelan and Emersyn.  This is our California kiddos.

Their Dog....Archie

Our 2nd grandson Tucker and his wife Emily.  They live in our area at this time.  

And Tucker and Emily's SOON TO BE son,

Our oldest Granddaughter, Tori. 
Dating but not married.  I don't have a picture of Tori's boyfriend. 
Tori works and is going to school.

Our 3rd grandson, Carson and his girlfriend Emily.
Carson is in his last semester of school and Emily just graduated from Nursing school

Our youngest Grandson, Trey and his girlfriend Savannah.
Trey works with his grandfather, Sam.
Savannah works in lighting sales. 

Our youngest granddaughter, Mylee Jo
Still in High School and loves Sports.  

Our other granddog babies.  
Remi, Missy, Lucy, Penny, and Jake.

Last but not least.....Taz.
Our shy granddog. 

The Kidd side of the Family.....(both of my parents are deceased as well as my sister)

My brother's and their families, and my sister's family.  

Lol....check out how Sam and I are leaning the same way!

Sam's side of the Family
His mom and dad, our family and his brother's family.  
This was the last picture we had with Sam's mom...she passed away this past September.  

and then there is ME!

Family is so important and Sam and I are very Blessed.  


Sam and I have 4 grandsons, ages 28, 25, 23, and 21.  We also have 2 granddaughters, ages 22 and 16.  A great grandson age 9, great granddaughter age 4 and our other great grandson should be arriving on July 9th.  And of course, we have 2 granddaughters.... who are married to our two oldest grandsons.


  1. Hi Shug! You have such a beautiful family! I truly feel like I know some of them, especially the grands, most of all Mylee Jo :0) You come from a large family! How fortunate you are that you can get them together all at one time. My family is scattered around the country, but, it would be amazing to have a family picture with all of them. I'm not sure why you couldn't sign in to Deb's page. I would make sure that you are signed into your own blog, and maybe delete your cookies? I'm not a computer whiz, but that's what I would do. You really do bless me every time I read your blog, Shug. You are one friend, I would love to meet someday!! Hugs, Barb

  2. What a nice and wonderful introduction to your family. Lots of love and caring people. Love the photos especially of the dogs looking up, maybe they are expecting treats. :) Thanks for the visit and the comment and have a great week.

  3. Thank you so much, Shug, for stopping by my blog and introducing yourself. It was a delight to 'meet' you and your family as you shared in these last couple of posts. I already feel like I'm acquainted. I look forward to learning more of your blog journey down the road. It sounds like you are blessed, blessed, blessed... your cup's overflowing and you're drinking from your saucer. I'm so glad that you finally got the health help you needed and that you are feeling more yourself after such a long struggle.

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places... and a beautiful week ahead, from Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life

  4. I have seen some of your family on your blog posts from time to time. But never all of them at once. Your entire family is so gorgeous, and you are so blessed!

  5. What a lovely family, Shug. And a big one. I like that picture of your daughters on their bikes. Mylee has a sweet smile, and this is a cute picture of you. It was nice to meet your California family. Families are important. They are there for us during the most difficult times. Thanks for sharing your family, Shug.


  6. I enjoyed this... I love all the photos. I really like the one of your daughters on the bikes. :-)

  7. Nice to meet your whole family Shug! You are blessed for sure!


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