Friday, June 21, 2024

Weekend Loading.

What do you Love about Friday's? 

I love everything about Fridays.   I am pretty charged when I wake up on Friday mornings.  

I seem to have more Energy than what I have on other days.  

Like today....I spent all morning outside, tending to my flowers.   Giving them all a good dose of Miracle Grow and pruning the spent flowers away.   I made sure that all the sheets were laundered and that the beds were all made.  (Of course, I have OCD when it comes to the beds being made....this is a must.) I changed the air filters in our air unit and replaced all of the fragrance plug in's.  

Then....I had a good dip in the Pool.

For me.....I think that it is the anticipation of the weekend that gives me so much energy on Fridays.  
Just a few thoughts on the things my mind thinks about on Fridays.

1.  Knowing that the weekend breaks the monotony of my weekday routine. 
2.  Rest and Relaxation....I know that I will have a chance to catch up on sleep and not feel as if I have to do my daily weekday chores. 
3.  I think about spending quality time with my loved ones, whether it is just hanging out at the pool, or going out to eat, or catching a movie. 
4.  Occasionally, a mini vacation on the weekend is something I love to plan.
5.  Not having to cook on the weekend is so delightful.  No clean-up!

Friday is definitely the Super Hero of the Week!!

                              Shug! 😎



  1. You did a lot today with so much Friday energy! Since being retired I look at Friday as the last weekday I can get out and about without all the weekend people. I don’t do any shopping on Saturday and Sundays, if I can help it. Saturday is a day of rest. Reading and relaxing. My favorite day of the week now is, Monday! The complete opposite from what it used to be!
    Have a relaxing weekend and stay cool.😎

  2. Your header and background are stunning! Is your pool the background? We are both retired and not working, so weekends are just about the same as any other days to us.


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