Thursday, June 20, 2024

No Calendar Needed

I don't think one has to look at the calendar to discover if Summer has arrived or not....

Summer officially arrives in less than an hour, but I can definitely tell you that the outside temperature is shouting SUMMER!

As the summer sun blazes over Texas, it makes me wonder why I spend so much time during the Spring season, trying to plant so many flowers.   The relentless heat,
 day after day, is a huge challenge in trying to keep my plants alive.  

I have tried to use smarter gardening techniques this year, by using plants that are more resistant to the unbelievable heat that we have in Texas.  

One temporary way of keeping my plants healthy is by providing them with a bit of shade.  Huge patio umbrellas help a lot by giving my flowers some relief.  

I planted my Bee Balm is an area that gets afternoon shade.....This plant loves lots of water, so it is a must that I water every morning.  

There is something magical about lounging by the pool, when it is surrounded by vibrant colors.  I must say....the hummingbirds love this area as well.  

I selected FULL SUN plants for this area.....however, since they are mostly in pots, Water is a must.  My routine is watering the flowers every morning.....FRONT, BACK, and All sides of the house.  

How about this...↓...One sure way to have lots of beauty in your yard....with Little Water.  

Perhaps, a painted fence is the Best solution...

These would require NO WATER....NO SHADE.

Hope y'all enjoy this hot day!!




  1. You have such pretty flowers growing in your garden, Shug. The Bee Balm is so unique and interesting. I don't water every day, but as often as I can, and I do water in the mornings when it's cooler. I only have mini roses planted. Your pool area must look so charming with all those flowers beautifully planted. Love those sunflower step you shared too!

    Have a restful weekend, Shug.


  2. Your flowers are lovely! I would pick a sunflower fence! Perhaps you need a drip irrigation system! We don't have Summer here in Minnesota was barely 70 degrees here today.

  3. I love the sunflower fence!!! It is so happy! Gosh, you have so many gorgeous flowers. And you sure put in the work to keep them that way!

  4. Wow, Shug. I guess I didn't realize how hot Texas could get. Yowsers. I love the sunflower fence. That's the perfect solution to withering flowers! I love humming birds. So glad you have some, too. They are such delightful little twittering creatures. I'm always amazed at how fast their wings go!

  5. Happy Summer!!! I LOVE your flowers. We have hummingbirds too. I love to watch them.


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