Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Random Acts

I love seeing random acts of Kindness......

Living in a world that often feels so fast-paced and disconnected, the simple act of kindness holds extraordinary power.  If you think about it.....Kindness is a universal language that can uplift the spirits of those we come in contact with.  Not only humans, but animals as well.   Animals love attention and in many cases, they too become kind.  

Kindness has a ripple effect, as it creates a wave of positivity that we all enjoy.

Just this morning while I was sitting in the Lab at my doctor's office (waiting to do blood work) I saw this very thing called Kindness. 
I had been sitting there for an about 15 minutes, and as I looked around the crowded room, I noticed that nearly everyone was on their phone.  There were only two chairs that were empty in the room and each of them were on opposite sides.  An elderly couple came in and I could tell that they were stressed about having to sit away from one another.  
Suddenly, a young man stood up and offered his seat, which was next to one of the empty seats.  This was a very kind gesture, but it went further than that.   Conversations began to take place amongst several people in the room.  Comments on how busy the office was,  led to discussions about how the lab assistants were so uplifting with their patients and how they genuinely cared about what the patients had planned for the rest of their  day.  

When we embrace kindness in our daily lives, we offer a bit of harmony into the world.  No act of kindness is too small.  

I sure hope this photo brings a smile to your face, which will spread to others throughout the day. 




  1. Oh, your post DID bring a smile to my face, Shug. So thoughtful of the man to offer his seat. Kindness in this world is so important, and we don't see enough of it. Your words are so special today. And that smiley rock is delightful as ever.


  2. It always touches my heart and brings a tear to my eye when I see a younger person show kindness to an elder. It’s not something you see anymore.
    My mission is to smile. After the pandemic and mask hysteria, I keep a smile on my face when I am out and about and the reactions I get are always positive! So many hurting people just need someone to smile at them! That simple gesture blessed many as well as myself.

  3. The two stones are adorable and gave me smiles. The young man and his kind act started a round of friendliness and kindness; our actions can spread either light or dark, our choice.

  4. Thank you for sharing this .... I must say when it is from the younger generation.. it choke me up.

  5. :) Great to be kind, but wonderful to witness it !

  6. Hi Shug....I have to say that "YES", the stone with the weedy hair definitely made me smile. It was nice to see a column on KINDNESS because, Lord knows, we need more of it in our world. Great job!


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