Sunday, June 2, 2024

Part 2 Beauty Surrounded Us

 Seriously speaking.....Sam and I found ourselves surrounded in Pure Beauty on the 2nd day of our trip.

We could not have possibly imagined the beauty that was waiting for us at the end of this trail..   Once again, a long, steep, walk .....{down hill} would give us more steps to add to our 17,011 steps from the day before.  

Massive Sequoia trees growing in the Sequoia National Park, and they were even bigger than I had thought.  

Sam is 6'1" tall and you can see how wide this tree was.  

 I read where these trees can live up 3000 or more years old.  They are incredibly hardy and they resist fungal rot as well as beetles.  The bark on these trees are flame resistant and they only reproduce by seeds, which can sometimes remain in the cone for 20 years.  

Sam and I stayed in the forest of these trees, for quite sometime....Just taking in all of the beauty as well as enjoying the amazing thoughts of these trees being so old.  I mean is hard to think back to  the 1700 and 1800 hundreds...  And here we were siting in the midst of these trees that are 1000 of years old.  It gave me chills just to touch the bark and know that my hands were touching a piece so old in history.

So much beauty in this dead piece of a tree

Here we are, taking a short rest as we were climbing the steep walk, back up to the top.  
We did not get in as many steps as the day before, but we did get a good amount of exercise. 

I took this picture as we were traveling through the park.  

I had myself a pretty good size blister on the inside of my foot, after this walk.  Nothing that a bit of neosporin ointment wouldn't heal.  

At the end of this second day, we found some yummy food at this cute little cafe.  I failed to get the name, but I will say, their food was delicious.  

I am sure that many of you have been to both the Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks, and I know that you all were just in Awe of the beauty at both of these places.  
If you have not been, then I would encourage you to add these to your bucket list.  
The Peace of God lives in these places big time.  

Tomorrow....I'll share part 3 of our trip in California.  
We meet up with our Grands (whom we had not seen in a year) and we celebrate our great granddaughter's   4th Birthday.  

They live on the Coast of California and once again.....BEAUTY surrounds us.  



  1. I have never been there, so am just loving this post! The trees are amazing! I would have stayed a long time with them as well.

  2. The first comment says anonymous, don't know why. But it is Ginny from Let Your Light Shine.

  3. Look at those trees , how grand they are! The trees at Sequoia Park really live up to their name, don't they? The girls just took a trip there recently. That is amazing that some of these trees are over 3,000 years old! The cafe looks so charming, and I'm glad the food was good. These are lovely photos, Shug, and your Header photo is wonderful. I am in awe of that tree! Looking forward to hearing about your time at the coast. : )


  4. How exciting to visit Sequoia Park... I have always wanted to see those massive trees.
    Looking forward to learning more about your grand adventure.

  5. Hi Shug~ Oh my goodness, the beauty is breathtaking! Those trees are amazing! If only they could talk. What do you think they would tell us?! You are my hero for taking those hikes. Getting to the end of a trial is always the best reward!! God is so good and gives us so much beauty to enjoy - thank you for sharing. Hugs and Love, Barb

  6. Those trees are unbelievable! What a fantastic trip! Love all the pictures but that last one where you were driving through the park is my favorite. It looks like a painting. So beautiful. Hope that blister gets well soon.


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........