Saturday, June 1, 2024

How Sweet It Is.....

 How Sweet it is to be home and back blogging......

We got home on the 25th.......however, the STORMS here in TEXAS have been so bad, almost every single day.

HUNDREDS upon hundreds of HUGE trees have fallen and having electricity and internet has been a huge challenge in our area.  We have also had numerous inches of rainfall and some areas, have had a lot of flooding.  Lightning has been horrible.  

Sam and I had a Wonderful trip to California.

Not only did we have the opportunity to see our grandkids, but we did some exploring on our own!  

to view this...↑↑↑
and to be able to HEAR the thunderous, powerful roar of these waterfalls was nothing but Glorious!
Our God......WOW!

We spent the first day at Yosemite National Park and the pure beauty of God's majesty was more than Pleasing.  I could have sat in numerous places throughout the Park.....for hours and just enjoyed the peace that surrounded us. 

The weather was perfect.....slightly cool, with just the right breeze.  

Then, it was a 7.59 mile hike for us!
Mind you, we are not big hikers, so this was huge for  both Sam and myself.  

I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be, but my feet were aching....especially my toes! The above picture was of us getting back to the parking lot.  I told Sam..."I have always wanted to take a picture lying in the middle of the road.."  This was the perfect time.

We called this next picture ↓↓↓ 
"A Treeman in a Tree"

Sam is in the Nursery business and he grows thousands of trees each year.....this is the reason we call him a Treeman.

When near a pay phone.....why not get a photo?

We saw lots of SNOW.....and I may have thrown a snowball or two....

We stood at the base of this waterfall and the mist of the falls was so heavy....if we had walked in closer, we would have gotten drenched, just from the heavy mist.  

The trail we hiked....
and Us at the END of the Trail



This was a portion of our Day 1.

Stay tuned for Day 2 in
The Sequoia National Park



  1. Hi Shug! Oh my goodness, I loved every single photo in this post!! First of all, can I just say, that you and Sam are my hero for walking almost 8 miles! I think I would faint after just one mile. I loved the one of you laying in the middle of the road... at that point, I would have wanted to be run over! Your pictures are gorgeous, and you and Sam look amazing! I have been praying for all of those in the path of that dangerous weather, I know that so many are struggling. I hope that summer can just get here and the weather can settle down. So good to hear from you!! Hugs,

  2. Welcome home! Your photos are wonderful! Especially the ones of you & Sam. And this waterfall crashing down amind the sheer rock!! Spectacular!! This really was the trip of a lifetime.

  3. Lovely photos! What an experience.

    Can your treeman tell us why the tree grew like that? I am curious!

    Sorry to hear about the storms. Stay safe! Here, have an umbrella...🌂

  4. Shug, I'm so glad you had a wonderful time on your vacation. Being a Californian, I am very familiar with Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. The waterfalls are beautiful, and the photo of your husband inside the tree is delightful. You must have been exhausted hiking for that long. Good for you to have made it that far. Stay safe with the storms in Texas, and I hope no damage is done to your home. Looking forward to reading about your Sequoia trip.

    Wishing you many good June days, Shug.


  5. High Fives with that major hike!!! You both look so happy exploring God's creation.
    Love, Carla

  6. Looks like a great day for a beauty of a hike...I had to smile at you in the middle of the road...that would be me for sure!


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........