Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday Fun!


I had an early start this morning.  I left the house around 8:30, headed into town to have lunch with friends.  

My first stop was the Post Office.  Our mail is not usually put up until around 10:00, however, I had received an email saying that one of my packages had been delivered.  This same package arrived at our Post Office about a month ago, but it was sent back!  We live in a small town, but sadly, our Post Office is not the Best!!  

Sam and I have had the same address for 52 years.  We have a post office box.  We have also lived in our home for about 21 years, with the same physical address for all of these 21 years.  

My package was sent back last month, because........the physical address was not listed first (mind you...we never get mail at our physical address) and the PO Box is to be listed second.  😠😠😠

I have contacted the post office on numerous occasions to try to understand why they send some of my packages back.  I never get the same answer.  

I did contact the place where I had made my purchase from.  They corrected the mailing address with the PA first and the PO address second. 

It was kinda funny.....but when I went in to the post office, I showed them my email which indicated that my package was there.  I was like....I know my package is in the Post Office!

Thankfully, I got the package this time!


My second stop today was at the "AT HOME" store.  Oh my goodness....I love that store!  I purchased a couple of umbrellas for the back yard (they were on sale for $29.00). Yay, I got a good deal on these.  

My third stop was "The Potpourri House."  I was meeting two of my best friends for lunch.  

This is an adorable restaurant/shop and I always find the cutest things in there.   I tried on a couple of adorable dresses... (I prefer wearing light weight dresses in the Summer, instead of slacks)... but I ended up buying NOTHING!

We had a great lunch and a great visit.  Of course, we normally have lunch together at least once a month.  More if we can work it in.  

I ordered a strawberry, almond and spinach salad.  This salad is wonderful! Th salad came with my meal.   I chose the lemon/pepper chicken dinner.  I also had sweet potato fries.  

This was not my favorite on their menu, but I had never ordered it before and thought I would give it a try.  One of my friends ordered chicken crepes, which came with a salad and a poppyseed muffin.  I'll order that next time!

We visited for about another hour after we ate.  We always have the best conversations!

I love these ladies.  

When I left, I made a stop at Home Depot.  I needed a long curtain rod for some new curtains I am hanging in a bedroom.  This bedroom has three connecting windows, so I needed a rod that would expand to 144 inches.  

My last stop was the grocery store.  The dreaded grocery store!  I picked up a few items and then I headed home!  It is too HOT today to be out in the heat.  

It did not take me long to change clothes and jump in the pool.  My oh my.....that water was so relaxing.  Sam had already done his exercises in the pool, and was getting out,  but our daughters and granddaughter came and joined me.  We soaked in the pool for about an hour.  

I had a busy day, but I had a great time!


Changing the subject here......I am wondering if any of you have Restless Leg Syndrome?  

I do have it, and from what I have read, a good many people have this.  I have read quite a bit about RLS, and it seems that a low iron count can make RLS worse.  I asked my doctor last week to test my iron count as well as my Ferritin.  Ferritin is a blood protein.  My test came back and sure enough, my iron and my ferritin is low.  I am now taking iron tablets.  Sure hoping this works for my RLS.

Sending Hugs and Blessings to each of you.

Shug.   ⚘



  1. This sounds like a wonderful day! I'm so glad you did your research and found the cause of your RLS. Wonder how long till your symptoms will go away?

  2. Restless leg is a bummer, My Mom took a medication for hers because she was not getting enough sleep. Hope your Iron supplement works:)


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