Tuesday, June 25, 2024

your shoe personality

Which Shoe fits You?

* The attention seeking, Zanny fun-loving  Clown Shoe?

* The cautious, orderly business shoe?

* The commanding, gutsy combat shoe?

* The laid back, slower paced house shoe?  

* The outgoing, sneaker shoe?

* The free-spirited, Flip Flop shoe?

It has been several years ago, in which I attended a ladies meeting. This was a fun game that we all participated in and everyone had such a great time, trying to figure out which group we belonged in.  For some of us, it was quite obvious which shoe we were.  For others.... 😂 they may have been in denial.  


Those with clown shoe personalities,  parade through life, are the life of the party, and love to tell a lot of fun stories.  To best work with them, we need to be their audience and most definitely, not demand perfection from them. The clown shoe people can sometime be a bit scattered and may or may not know where they leave things.   They love life and love making people laugh.

Business shoe personalities enjoy being on a schedule and prefer having routine in their lives.  They search for feedback to assure others that they are doing their homework and can be held accountable for the work they do.   They work well having deadlines to meet, and expect this from others.  
They do not have much patience for those who take life lightly and for those who like to clown around.  They are all about elegance and being up on fashion. 

and oh yes....the combat boot personality!

These people waste no time.  They charge through life and work extremely fast.  They appear to always be tough and choose not to let their feelings show, even if someone has hurt them.  Displaying a Tough personality is important to them.  It is best to choose your battles when you have a difference of opinion with a combat personality.  They are in battle mode at all times.  They are always ready for the unforeseen circumstances.  

These people have sweet personalities and they flow through life like a floating feather.  They are easy to get along with and never start any type of conflict.  They are easy going and their stress level is always at a low.  They are very good with hobby's that they love.  They are not the type that enjoys standing out in a group.  

Those who have the Sneaker personality are often very spontaneous and very outgoing.  They are very open minded and are always coming up with great ideas.  They are very active and willing to explore all kinds of options.  They love for the sneakers to be trendy but yet comfortable.  They are constantly on the move.  

Flip Flops.....I love my flip flops. 
I'm not sure everyone owns flip flops....especially not the Business shoe people.  Your personality could be that you don't take life too seriously.  You are more interested in comfort and most likely stay in vacation mode all the time.  A big number of Stay at home women wear flip flops and it is presumed that you are easy going, carefree, but always full of kindness.  Perhaps a Free thinker.  

It is very important for us to all learn to adapt to these different types of personalities.  Many times, one can have combat shoe type strengths, but yet their best friend may totally be a house shoe woman.  

I thought this was a neat way for us to all figure out the different personalities we all have.  My friends and I laughed because we immediately knew what shoe each person represented.  I actually think I have several of these personality traits.  

The combat boot, nor the working shoe fits me!  

So which shoe personality are you??



  1. What no Crocs? I have them in all colors:) I cannot do flip flops anything inbetween my toes makes me pass out. So all thos really cute sandels...not for me:)

    1. It did not list crocs...lol. that is all my granddaughter will wear. I don't own a pair, but I have heard they are comfortable.

  2. Ha ha...I think I have met a few clown shoes in my day! 😂

    What does going barefoot say about a person??

  3. I'm a mix of different types of footwear: mostly flip flops, sneakers, and houseshoes. I actually love shoes. I used to have a lot of them back "in the day," of all types. Now, for me, it's all about pure, unadulterated comfort!
    Fun post!

  4. I am a flip flop gal for sure! But I actually had those army boots when they were IN many years ago. I like sneakers too, especially the comfy Skechers. I was a stay-at-home mom for many years, so the flip flops spoke to me right away. ; ) A fun post, Shug!


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