Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Updates and Killdeer

*Thank you Ginny for correcting me....another prime example of my mind getting stuck on something....   LOL

I totally knew that the little birds were Killdeer, but when writing this blog....My mind was stuck on chickadees..😂😂😂.  I need all the help I can get!!  Yes...the birds I captured pictures of are definitely Killdeer, NOT chickadees!  

Rooster update........Duck egg update.....

Do you remember the Rooster I posted about last week?  Maybe it was week before last?

Well....he has become the Town Rooster.  
He has been "everywhere man."
Cemetery, McDonalds, The Bank, Taco Bell, and he even crossed a four lane highway, to get to our local grocery store.  
I did find out that his name is "Ronnie" and he belongs to no one!
 He is a roaming Rooster.

Mother duck is no where to be found.  No evidence of something getting her, however, the eggs have been abandoned.  Now, it is too late to put them in an incubator.  

While down at the lake checking on the NEST, Sam and I came upon a some killdeer.  Mom, dad and about 4 little ones, running around everywhere.  
Mom was doing her trick thing.....making us think she was injured, to lure us away from her babies. 
Dad was flying around trying to get our attention directed onto him.  
The babies had not learned to fly yet, so they were scrambling all over the place. 

In our area, you can find a lot of Killdeer nest on the ground.  I did have to chase after them in order to grab a few photos.   They are faster than ME!

I'll leave you with these Beauties!




  1. The pictured birds really do look like Killdeer. Chickadees are much smaller with shorter legs. Nevertheless, your pics are so adorable!! I wish someone would adopt the rooster. But maybe he would miss his free roaming ways!

  2. The killdeer are the cutest birds. I used to see them all the time in my hometown, and they made me laugh with their long legs. Oh, that rooster is getting all over town. I hope he doesn't get harmed while going here and there. Sorry to hear about the eggs. The flowers in your yard are so pretty, especially those purple ones.

    Have a splendid week, Shug.


  3. Shucks about the duck eggs.
    Keep us updated on Ronnie!!! I wonder how he ended up a Roaming Rooster.


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