Sunday, April 14, 2024

PROM...Do you Remember your Prom?

 How many of you remember your Junior-Senior Proms?  

Did you go to Prom with the person you are now married to?

What was the theme at your Senior Prom?

What color was your dress?  What style?

Mylee was asked to go to the Junior-Senior prom at her school....Mylee is a sophomore, and her date here is a Junior.

Things I remember about mine and Sam's Junior Senior proms.....   Our Junior Year, I wore a white and baby blue long gown.  Our prom was held at "The Red Barn Steakhouse."  The best I can remember, we ate and then they had a party room where the actual prom/dance was held.  

Our Senior Prom:  I wore a yellow gown and I tell you, I laugh when I think of this.....long wigs were popular then...several of us senior girls wore long blond wigs to the prom.  I look at photos now and we looked ridiculous.  Sam was our senior class president, so he had to make a speech at the prom.  It was held in a hotel ball room.  Just so happens, that he and I had a huge argument just before going to the Prom.....we ate dinner, he said his speech, and we left...He took me home and that was the end of Senior prom for us!! Sad!  Prom is a big event, especially your Senior year....I am sad that we did not get to enjoy ours.    Oh well....we have been together for coming up in June, 53 years of marriage and 5 years before we married.  

YES....I am married to my Prom date!

I should have dug out our prom pictures....maybe I will someday!

Mylee has a beautiful personality.....and she has fun no matter what.

Photos with aunt Tweety and Mom, before the Prom

The garden where they had pictures made, is part of the Azalea Trails.....Beautiful flowers and gardens.

I can't wait to hear about the evening....

Happy Sunday!
Shug 💜


  1. I went to Jr and Sr Prom with my husband, I went to prom as a Sophomore with another fellow. My first dress was store bought empire waist with a bow grass green brocade. My Mom sewed my other two; pale lilac brocade with velvet accents...same empire waist that year but with a train at the back the theme was Love is Blue, the Senior prom was pink daisy lace overlay over pale pink had long lace sleeves and was just a simple a line style. We went out for dinner and then to prom...all good memories:) Those kids all look fantastic all dressed up!

  2. Her prom gown is beautiful, and so tasteful!! It is a classic. But I also want to see a pic of you in that yellow dress! We have been married 53 years as well.

  3. You should definitely dig out those old photos! I never went to any of my proms.

  4. So many pretty and stylish dresses at the Prom. And they are all vibrant colors! Mylee looks lovely, and I hope she had a great time. Yes, I remember my Proms. I wore peach at one, and silvery blue at the other. They were both fun, and have pleasant memories. I'd love to see a picture of you with your long wig on Prom night. There were so many fun fashion accessories back then. I remember for us, it was the puka shell necklaces haha.

    Have a wonderful week, Shug.


  5. Mylee is lovely, what a sweetheart. I hope she had a fun time.
    My mom made my first Prom dress. It was royal blue. :-) The second Prom dress was purple with sequins.
    I love your love story... of you and Sam!
    xx oo

  6. great photos with beautiful gown....
    Have a wonderful day


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