Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Rolling Prayer Closet

What I love about East Texas?  I love our East Texas Pine trees!!


Let me tell you, I love traveling down the roads of East Texas, and I LOVE praying when I am driving.  
I feel the Blessings of life overflowing on me and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are times when Jesus is in charge of the wheel.

This makes me happier than a gopher in a fresh plowed field.  

  I think I do my Best praying in these moments of being alone, being able to see the masters hand in all things around me.  Many times, I have Worship music playing on my radio, and many times I have a hand raised, giving Praise to God.  

I like to think of my car as my private prayer closet, and I value the time when I can pray and sing as loud as I want to.  I have truly had some of my most profound spiritual moments in my car.  Often, I will have tears flowing down my cheeks.  

I love talking to God whether it is praying precisely for a need, interceding for others, confessing my sins, or just spending time Praising  HIM, Thanking Him, and loving him.   God loves hearing the prayers of his children any time and in any place.    

At times, I experience humor and even laughter as I share my thoughts and feelings with the Lord.  Can you imagine what the folks in the cars beside me think when they see me laughing out loud, or lifting my hands in praise?  

I can tell you for sure, God and I have traveled many miles together in my rolling prayer closet and I am certain that I have experienced the real power of God's love.  

The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.   Psalm 145:18

Blessings Dear Friends,



  1. I also have prayed and thought and listened in my car, Shug. It's a peaceful place, isn't it? The Psalm verse is so special, and just what I needed to hear today. Had a bad day.....had to communicate with three parties on the phone, and they just didn't get things straightened out. Then, I spoke quietly to Jesus and Mary and all things worked out. Yes, God loves hearing from this children, about things great or small.

    Have a good week, my friend.


  2. I pray too when I am alone driving. It's quiet, and no one is going to be yelling, where are you? :) Enjoyed this post!

  3. I too pray while driving. I also pray in the shower many a time. ;-) Hee Hee!
    I enjoyed this post Shug, I have been having some down days with all the junk going on in our nation and world, your posts keep me looking up!!!
    xx oo


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