Wednesday, February 7, 2024

New Driver

 This Girl......↓ just turned 16.  

and we have a New Driver in the family...

Happy Birthday to our youngest of the last week in Jan.
For those who have followed my blog for a long time, you may remember that Mylee was only 2 years old when I first became a blogger.  

She is full of life and ALWAYS has a smile on her face.  She can be right in the middle of the basketball court, playing an intense game, but she will have a smile on her face.  It might distract the opponents....I don't know, however, it is beautiful to see.


This morning at 10:24, I still have on my PJ's.  It is just that kind of day I suppose.  I have done housework, laundry, have chicken pot pie in the oven, reviewed my Taxes, and I already have my make up on......

I brought a vase of flowers home from the gender reveal this past Sunday, and just look at this gorgeous ROSE..  Quite Stunning!

I sure am missing our California kiddos.
Really need to plan a trip out there....think I'll wait until all the RAIN 💦 they are having is gone.  

Big Hugs to All.....


  1. I remember Mylee so well. A sweet little smiling girl. And she is still just as beautiful, and still smiling. It is hard to believe she has grown so much in the blink of an eye. She has a world of possibilities in front of her! The rose is so gorgeous!

  2. That rose is so pretty. You know, pink roses are my second favorite. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. How sweet that she smiles all the time. I love the colorful design on the steps in that photo with your family in Calif. In So Cal, you will often see pretty artwork on the walls of restaurants and even on murals outside. There was a bright hummingbird mural at a restaurant we went to a couple years ago. Yes, lots of storms here in California.



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