Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Flag view/and Trip

 Such a Beautiful view! 

Again, Sam and I made a trip to Dallas yesterday.  These flags caught my eye, as the wind was blowing hard, and the flags were flying beautifully.  Gave me such a sense of pride!  

And the Blue sky with the one cloud just added to this view.  

Sam and I spent some extra time before we went to Mylee's last District Basketball game.

We stopped at the Cheesecake Factory and enjoyed a nice afternoon meal of Orange Chicken and of course, a delicious dessert.

I sure love their bread!!  and WARM butter!

The orange chicken is a favorite of ours, so we normally ALWAYS split a plate of this tasty dish.....and then we don't feel so bad about indulging in a Calorie Free (NOT) dessert!

Here is the thing... We were at the "Cheesecake" Factory, so Cheesecakes are their specialty.   However....we did not get the cheesecake!  We ordered the Apple Crisp with ice cream.  

See....Sam loves anything chocolate.  Add some Carmel and nuts, and he is in heaven.  

I do not like chocolate and always avoid any kind of dessert that specializes in chocolate and Carmel.  

I LOVE fruity desserts.....like lemon raspberry, strawberry or just plain raspberry.  

Since we were splitting the dessert, we selected the apple crisp.  It was a delicious choice, but.....cheesecake sure did sound good. 

We WON the Game 

We had a two hour drive home, which meant I was 2 hours past my bedtime!  lol 😁

May the Lord Bless you Always.


  1. Beautiful sky!! The bread at Cheesecake Factory is the best!! And we never get cheesecake either. Actually, we don't like cheesecake - lol!

  2. Wow those blue skies and flags are beautiful! Thank you for the kind comments on my blog, I appreciated them and you. I will be back to blogging soon I hope…I am still exhausted. Far Side of Fifty/Connie

  3. The orange chicken looks really good. Oh, I miss The Cheesecake Factory. They had one in my hometown. Great news that they won the game! And so good of you to drive two hours and be there. : )



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