Saturday, January 27, 2024

Not long ago, I read an interesting story in a magazine, at my doctor's office...... which, actually brought tears to my eyes, right there in the waiting  room!!   It was about a 7th grade student who was on a Science TEAM at school.  

The team was supposed to be coming up with a science project for an upcoming PTA event. (It was called PTA way back then.)  The projects would be judged, and there would be rewards for the top 3 teams.  

On this particular student's team, there were two high achiever students, two other students and then the one who was challenged with learning disabilities. (AKA....Special Ed student)

The High achiever students had No problem with coming up with the project, while the other two "Regular" students were included in some of the decisions.  However, the 5th member of the TEAM was completed disregarded when it came to offering Suggestions on the building of the project. 

Gosh y'all.....just reading the story... was so heart breaking.  😢😢😢😢😢

As the winning team was announced (Their TEAM did win 1st place 🏆.)  ALL of the Credit was focused on primarily the 2 students who were achievers and then, the other 2 members of the team were announced....the 5th student's name was only called out AFTER the announcer was alerted to this students name being left off of the final judging paper.    Come to find out, the last student was the one who provided the majority of the materials, and was the most dedicated at WORKING to finish the project.  


It was at this point that one of the teachers noticed the disappointment on the 5th student's face.   Disappointment of feeling as if they were not a part of the team....Not feeling as if the other team members trusted them....Not being recognized for their work....

Feeling as if what they had contributed DID NOT MATTER!

Thankfully, there are teachers and leaders, that value every student, and their goal is NOT necessarily to finish in first place, but  to teach the students to be a TEAM and to learn from what they have created together.   

This ↑ is the example of how the teacher explained the reality of a being a TEAM to the student.   Everyone wants to be a STAR ⭐ takes the 5 sets of hands to 

make a Star.... and she went on to say, that the star could not have been made whole, if it were not for the 5th students hands being a part of the TEAM.  

It takes ALL Pieces of the puzzle to make a Puzzle COMPLETE!!!

This was a lesson that the 5th student NEVER forgot.  He later went on to become very successful in life, as he now owns a very profitable business.  As the CEO of his business, he strives for his employees to know how being a TEAM promotes bonding, and that team members work together to ignite winning results.      

The other students on that project now have simple jobs where they work for others.  


Personally, I am thankful that this teacher, this leader, took the time to recognize the values of this 5th person!!  Maybe it wasn't the talent that he was the desire to be included....the desire to advocate for himself.....The ability to believe in himself, in order to be His own Hero!!

WOW.....I would take 1 person with this kind of traits, over a 100 people with superior knowledge and talents, to be on my TEAM!

What a great story, with a positive ending...

Have a Blessed Day!!

Shug 💫


  1. Shug, I really enjoyed your blog! Keep up the great work!
    Mickie Dingler

  2. Hi Shug! I really loved that story! I have a special needs granddaughter and I have seen how heartbreaking it can be to see her excluded. She will never be a CEO of a company, but she is a star to me. She actually LOVES, stars!! Hugs, Barb

  3. What a sad story, and those teachers should all have known better! But what a great ending!!

  4. This is a heartwarming story. In the end, things are always made right. : )



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