Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Fun on FB

 OH my....!!!!

Facebook can be a scary place and I try to be so very cautious when using it.  

There are all kinds of offers, games, and information on FB, and it is often filled with all kinds of tools and Apps!

It can also be used to build your business, find jobs, form groups of interest, or.....You can just have fun!

A few weeks ago, I used one of the Apps that re-creates your own image!
Oh geez......If only these could be real.

Not too shabby for a younger ME!

A whole lot of Dreaming!!  lol.

Speaking of Facebook....this ↓ photo was on my page a couple of days ago and it took me a long time to figure it out..


Look closely and you will see a totally different image!

Do you see what I see???

It is a man!  

* * * * *

It is a Very Rainy ☔ day in our neck of the woods...
Have a GREAT Day friends..



  1. agree....FB could be a scary place....
    but, FB is fun too.....

    Have a great day

  2. The bird/man is so totally cool! And you are gorgeous, whether on Facebook or not!

  3. I'm not on facebook or instagram. Just my little 'ole blog. That is something else that this app can show a younger version of one's self. A little scary as well.

    It's been raining all week here! But we need it in California.



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