Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Big Debate

 Let me see if you all can settle the debate that our family is having over the "main" meat for our Thanksgiving meal.   😀

Why a debate?  Why not two meats?  Good Questions!

A delicious, moist HAM

OR .........

This Gorgeous Turkey?

Do you serve both at your Thanksgiving feast?  Or do you just have one of them?

3 people in our family prefer Turkey......the rest of us (5) prefer Ham!

I say the majority rules...



  1. Ha Ha!!! It will be turkey and ham for us this year. Usually it is just turkey.

  2. Well, no matter what you make, it will be yummy, made even better by your wonderful family gathered around it. All together on Thanksgiving.

  3. We have both- but our family is pretty large and various tastes amongst us. I don't particularly like turkey. To me, it is the driest meat out there. My husband always smokes it nowadays and that helps..but I'll be having the ham. :)


Thank you for Blessing me today with your comments...

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