Saturday, November 11, 2023

Beyond Thankful

 Carry a Thankful Heart 💛 wherever you go!


I read this on a little sign on Thursday of this past week, and it was as if a lightning bolt had hit me.  WHY?

Because I knew this was God speaking to my heart.

My confession...  Earlier in the week I was a bit upset over a very simple situation.  I had prayed about this very thing for several days, and when the outcome was not what I was praying for, I honestly was angry.  Who was I angry at?  

I am not even sure.  I was angry for the outcome....I was angry that God did not answer the way I wanted it to be....I was angry for praying what I prayed.  AND.. the worst thing is, I found myself a bit angry with God.  

I had convinced myself that even though this was a very small and somewhat crazy thing to even pray about, that God wanted me to Ask for what I wanted.  But, with the outcome, I felt as if God never took the time to listen to my prayer.

God absolutely cares about everything that we pray about!  

I later realized that I was not even praying for the right thing.  How does this happen one might ask?

Because, I already had set in my mind what I wanted and was not looking at the entire situation.  It wasn't Favor that I needed to be praying for....I needed to be praying for a the one thing that I was blinded to and that was a different Attitude.  

I am Beyond thankful that God loves me even in my anger.  God loves me when I pray for the wrong things.  HE LOVES ME and understands every single thing about me.  

I am beyond Thankful....



  1. I relate to your post, I pray multiple times each day and often ask God for blessings and protection for loved ones, our country, and more. One thing about prayer is that prayer changes US! Our God is a good good father, like you said, he always loves us.

  2. That is so true and something I need to remember. I appreciate what you've written.

  3. Thank you, so good and true, I needed this reminder.


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