Sunday, August 20, 2023

Baked Alaska plus some!

 Seriously.....who doesn't LOVE 💓 Baked Alaska?

I was SO Excited to see this on the menu on our Alaskan Cruise......

And....I only ordered ONE slice!  The meringue was so sweet, but ..... it did not keep me from eating every single bite on my plate. 

As you can see here......another dish we loved was the Dungeness crab legs.   ALL YOU CAN EAT!!  Believe me, these Texas folks (who do not get to eat crab often) LOVED this feast...

And this, my sweet friends, was the BEST jalapeño cornbread I have ever eaten.  Oh my goodness is all I can say!!

Sam and I would fly back to anchorage....tomorrow....if we could, just to order this BREAD PUDDING.

(Apple bread pudding with Yukon Jack Sauce)

I would love to have this recipe..

And then there was the Cream Brûlée
A heaven sent dessert.  

Another thing great about this Cruise, other than the delicious food, was being able to escape the TEXAS 108 degree heat.  We thoroughly enjoyed the nice 53 degree weather.  

Of course....I had to stick my feet in the "Freezing" cold water on this Alaska River.  

Reindeer Sausage for our Breakfast on the Train from Anchorage to Seward.  I would highly recommend this train ride..

A beautiful and very tasty fruit salad..

So many delicious dishes...

Only ONE rainy day!!

This was a fabulous trip and one that I have many more photos that I want to share...

Three of us came home with COVID, but this was definitely a trip full of memories...



  1. Covid, oh no! Well, how do you feel??? I am so glad you posted this food. I have never been on a cruise and have never seen the food. I have only heard about how wonderful it is.

  2. Hi, I have never had Baked Alaska.
    I am looking forward to reading and seeing more of your trip.
    I hope you all are on the mend.
    Love, Carla


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........