Friday, August 25, 2023

Alaska Part 2

 There is absolutely no denying that Alaska is a Gorgeous State! It was everything that I expected it to be, and more.  

The wildlife, the greenery, waterfalls, ocean, landscape in general, the bays........all of it is Beautiful.

We hiked up to the middle part of this falls and whew, we were exhausted...

There is so much to do in the state of Alaska. 
I am pretty positive that one could easily have some kind of memorable experience every day.

We traveled by way of plane, car, boat, a couple of different trains, trams, gondolas over the mountain, Bus and by foot.

We took day tours and excursions that allowed us to view the scenery from high above the towns, as well as viewing the whales and the Salmon in the ocean and in the rivers.

I took this picture from our balcony one evening!

This picture of Sam was taken at a lake in Canada.  We rode a Bus, then switched over to a Train on this particular excursion.

The front portion of the train that we were riding on.  I took this photo as we rounded a curve.

The back end of the same train....Beautiful country....

A roaring river that we crossed on the train.

I'll leave this Part 2 post with another photo of food.   This was a lemon tart...So, so delicious...

Stay tuned for part 3.....

Shug 🍋


  1. Sounds like you had a very complete and wonderful tour! Oh my, the train ride. Your pics are extremely gorgeous and awesome and majestic. But I would have been scared out of my mind!! They truly look like pages from a National Geographic magazine!! And the water there is beautiful!

  2. Oh my gosh, such beautiful pictures. The one on the front of the train took my breath! :) Did you actually see that person?? My husband and I flew to Alaska in 1998 when my granddaughter was born. I didn't see much except that beautiful baby girl.

  3. Lemon Tart!!!
    I am enjoying your photos. What an amazing state Alaska is, I hope to visit someday.
    Love, Carla


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Shower and Travels

                                                        Bridal Shower Blessings were overflowing on Sat. 3-8-25 for Carson and Emily .........