Saturday, July 22, 2023

Great Grands

 How many of you have Great Grand Babies?  Aren't they precious?  We only get to see ours about twice a year due to them being a military family.  😓

I added a sad face, because it is so difficult to be so far away from your loved ones. I totally respect the choices made in serving our Country, but there are certainly a whole lot of sacrifices made. 

These two are Best of friends and they enjoy life!
Emersyn and Keelan.  For short, we call them Emma and K. 

Ok...let me brag for just a moment.  This is the cutest picture of our Sassy little girl.  She is a girly girl and loves wearing dresses and lots of jewelry.  I guess in this picture, her Ice Cream was more important than all the bracelets she normally wears.  

I honestly can not believe she let K drive her jeep wrangler.  Guess she was in a sharing mood this day.

Trista tries to fly out and see her grandkids at least 3 or 4 times a year.  This past month, both of our daughters and son-in-laws....Plus Mylee Jo....went out for a few days to visit.  

I just LOVE our Family and having grandkids and GREAT grandkids is like having a Big ol' cherry on top of your sundae.

Posting these photos for my blog book...

Y'all have a great weekend...



  1. How gorgeous Emersyn and Keelan are!!!! But how sad that you are not able to see them very often.

  2. I love this post. Family is a true gift. As we make time to spend with each other in what ever ways we can... it is time well spent.
    xx oo


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Daylight, Paths and Pigs

  Good Morning Friends.....Today is  C-H-O-O-S-E day!  Choose to smile, choose to be kind, choose to be happy, choose to be YOU!           ...