Monday, March 6, 2023

Country Life

 Yesterday was such a beautiful day and it definitely called for a ride on the Farm.  Oh my goodness....I enjoyed it so much.  I rolled down my window and took in all of the freshness that the nice breeze was offering up.  

With all the rain we have had lately, it was a little muddy, but that is what 4 wheel drive vehicles are for......Right?

Just look at this beautiful land.
The smell of fresh plowed dirt is awesome!

Tractor tires make the most interesting trails........This is pure Country Life.....

What could these little sticks be??  Half yellow and half brown?  If you guessed grafts you would be correct.

These are tiny (1 year)  Pecan trees, that grew from a pecan planted last year.  The yellow is where the tree have been grafted with many different varieties of other types of pecan wood.    Thousands and thousands of Pecan cuttings have been planted in these fields for the upcoming year.  It takes a big crew to go in and graft each of these trees.  By Summer of this year, they will be about 3 to 4 feet tall.  

Different kinds of varieties are:
Desirable,   Choctaw
Caddo,   Candy
Cape Fear,   Cheyenne
Elliot,   Etc.

I love everything about riding around at the Farm, including being able to see wildlife.  

Life is Good....

Shug. ⚘


  1. Hi, this was fun. Let us do another ride on the farm soon. :-)
    I had no idea about all the pecan varieties.

  2. Hi Shug~ Just reading your post made me so anxious for spring! You guys have a fascinating job. What fun to plant, graft and grow, it sounds so fun! One day we will be able to plant might be in August, but we'll plant ;0) Enjoy that beautiful sunshine! Also, your header photo is gorgeous!! Hugs, Barb


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